When you receive the Seal you become a little garden just like the earth God created. And one of the trees God will plant in your soul is the Lignivita, or Tree of Life.

First God created the earth. Then He created light upon it and separated it from the darkness. He separated the waters and created the air of the earth. And He created all the life on the earth--flora and fauna.

Your garden is just like a little Garden of Eden with Promises like those of the Edenic covenant God made with Adam and Eve--the first people He created--in the very beginning.

And your garden is blessed with the Presence of God and the Life He gives it. He created the flora and fauna of your garden out of His Presence along with your soul and Spirit.

Your soul is the little piece of ground which can grow the garden until it bears fruit. God created the birds of the air by sanctifying your Spirit, the air, and bringing Life out of it.

God created the fish and other Life in the sea by creating them out of the Holy Spirit living within your belly. And He created the people of the Garden of Eden in the Image of Jesus Christ His Son.

Adam was created in the Image of Jesus the Son and Eve was created from Adam. When God plants the garden in your soul first you will bear fruit and it all starts with growing a single wheat seed.

After you grow that one single seed to fruition you have more seed to sow and grow. And God will sow more seeds in you when He sees that first little success. So your garden will grow into a bigger garden in a bigger place.

That first wheat seed you grow is the message you send to people. You send them the message about Jesus Christ and about becoming sealed when He writes His Name upon you.

Eventually those wheat seeds will become believers also. They start out as the message but they become believers when people begin to believe your message you have sent.

And when people believe your message, God will sow other seeds than just those which feed the people with the spiritual bread they need to live. He will also sow the seeds of the Lignivita--the Tree of Life.

The Lignivita bears fruit that gives people Life. And if they continue to eat of the fruit of the Lignivita they will live forever. First they must believe your message. Then they must continue to believe. Then they will live.

Jesus is the Bread of Life. If you eat of the Body of Jesus and drink His Blood you have eternal Life in you. Many Christian people celebrate the "communion" of His Body and Blood by drinking the wine and eating the bread.

But not all those Christian people will live forever. Because they have doubts. And Jesus is just not always as accessible as some teachers say He is. They are practicing His rituals but are separated from God anyway.

The sealed person can help. With the Lignivita growing in his or her garden. The fruit of the Lignivita will give eternal Life to the person who eats it. When you are sealed you will have power to share Life with those who believe your message.

And first you believe the message of the sealed person who is sent to you. That is how you become sealed. You learn what to believe from that person and then you are ready to give others Life and show them how to receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt