"The purpose of life is to be restored back to love, moment to moment. To fulfill this purpose, the individual must acknowledge that he is 100 percent responsible for creating his life the way it is. He must come to see that it is his thoughts that create his life the way it is moment to moment. The problems are not people, places, and situations but rather the thoughts of them. He must come to appreciate that there is no such thing as "out there." -- Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Take Responsibility For Yourself

You create your own reality. What you consider reality is simply your angle of perspective of the world. What one person considers to be bad, another might consider it to be good. Everyone is different, including their reality or perspective. When you begin to change your perspective, you manipulate your reality. Your perspective of the world consists of what you believe or think. If you live in a abundant state, your perspective is focused on abundance , and therefore the reality you're currently living is one of abundance . If you change the window you are looking out of, you will change your life. If there is one secret to wealth and happiness , it's that right there.

Now that you know you create your own reality, and your reality is based off of your perspective of life, it's time to take responsibility. If its true that each and everyone of us creates or our reality, its also true that every circumstance and problem that has happened we created. I can picture some heads turning now, no one likes to hear that. It's true, and its time to take responsibility. It's important to understand you are not to blame. The conscious mind is able to process about 15bits of information at any given moment. The subconscious or higher mind processes over 100million bits. There is obviously a big difference, and no one, not me or anyone knows whats really going on. Albert Einstein was quoted saying "We know one onehundreth of nothing"

Our Subconscious mind takes impulses on actions based on past behaviors, teachings, and programs. From the day we are born we are being programmed. Each day we live we add to those programs and beliefs. The key to mastering life, is learning how to delete the unwanted programs and beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you begin to change your perspective, therefore changing your reality.

Delete the unwanted programs, and rely on inspiration .

When you delete all the unwanted programs within your subconscious mind you open up new doors to success, happiness , and wealth. How do you delete those programs, by letting go! When you think a unwanted, or negative belief simply clean. When something bad comes into your life, just clean. Clean on everything. In order to clean, all you need to do is love.When I think a negative belief I say to myself "I love you, I'm sorry, this is a old program, its time to let go." By doing this you begin to neurologically recondition your brain. Your impulses will come from inspiration .

When something bad comes into my life, I clean. When something bad comes into someone Else's life I clean. Every person and thing that is involved in my perspective I created. I focus on me, I forgive myself, I say I love you and I'm sorry, and then I let go. Each time this problem persists on my conscious, I repeat the process. I clean on everything.

I can see this article being some what controversial. Some may think I'm crazy. All I can say in return is ill clean on that and to continue to love and live abundantly.

For more information on this method please check out Joe Vitales book Zero Limits. Also check out his website here at www.zerolimits.info

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