Groundwork; it is an essential piece of your successful puzzle and everyone in your life benefits when you are prepared for your week ahead and have formed a foundation in which to support your lifestyle. The power of observation and the ability to be aware is priceless on your road to better health and fitness . Getting ready for your week of events and putting together a plan of attack is imperative for your ship to sail smoothly.

The last thing we are looking for is an iceberg to sink our wishful thinking and diligent efforts. There are definitely avenues to ponder as to how to create a plan of action regarding the flow of our week. One element that plays a major role in the smooth transition from weekend to weekday is your ability to spend some time thinking about what needs to happen, and who needs to go where and how you will orchestrate the comings and goings of your household; not to mention the fulfillment of your obligations and care of self. Keep in mind that every successful endeavor begins with a plan and your transition from playtime to workweek needs your attention to shift effortlessly and in a timely manner. Why not employ some of the suggested strategies and ensure a graceful progression.

1.Spend some time contemplating your plan for the upcoming week.
2.Be aware of your obligations, appointments, dates, and daily activities.
3.What days will you exercise , what will you do and where will you do it?
4.Are you the local taxi this week? Can you car pool? Who do you call?
5.Look through your cupboards and make note of grocery items that are needed.
6.Set a specific time and day when you will grocery shop for your entire week.
7.Make time for yourself in your schedule and acknowledge your importance.
8.Make a list of jobs to do around the house. Ask each family member to help.
9.Look for areas in your life that are draining; think about ways to alleviate their presence.

You do not have to carry the entire burden of household responsibilities all by yourself and it is perfectly fine to ask for what you need. No one can read your mind, so let them know how you are feeling and how they can help. Putting you in a position of empowerment will do wonders for your mood, your ability to take better care of yourself and everyone wins in the end. It’s a win-win story!

Author's Bio: 

My passion is to coach women down a road to great health and well being. Nothing brings me greater pleasure than to help a women gain control in her life and work toward her goals and dreams.