What does R&R really mean and have you ever taken the time to do it? I think of "R&R" as "Rest" and "Reassess"; a little different spin on what we usually hear. Are you finding yourself caught just putting out fires? Is your desk piled with projects? Is your calendar full of appointments? People dealing with mid-life transitions, career challenges, parenting and constant stress issues know these feelings all too well.

We have too many lists of "things to do". We've over-committed. We hear stories and read articles about slowing down time by doing the things that really matter, creating memories and taking the time to see friends and family. Life Work Balance, Stress Management, Time Management--how many books and articles have been written about these topics?

Reorganization and re-prioritizing. Do you feel the urge to really step back and re-evaluate what you're doing and how you're spending your time?

Resting - this is one of Life's greatest healers. My mother-in-law has taken a nap everyday, since I've known her. She actually gets into bed and reads or sleeps for 30-45 min. without fail, everyday. One day when my boys were 2, 4, and 6 yrs. old, I remember thinking how did she just go lie down in the middle of all this chaos? There was no way this was going to work for me! Why didn't I lie down when the boys were taking their naps? Oh, I had too much "work" to do, too much laundry, too many clients to deal with, too many phone calls to make, too much everything else to do!!

Now, thirty years later, I've discovered the rejuvenation effect of the "power nap". Many of my executive coaching clients, I advise to set an egg timer for fifteen minutes, hold all calls, lock their office door and lay down on the floor. What a difference fifteen minutes of peace can make in the rest of your day. Your priorities seem to stay in alignment better. You have more patience. You definitely don't feel as much of a martyr, like "you're doing all of the work"!

Taking time out regularly is one of the wonder drugs for peace . Try it--regularly.

Reassessing - Getting the facts, evaluating the situation, rethinking our approach to a problem, stepping back is always good to make sure we're on the right path for what we know at the time. Reassessing our values, our motivations for how we spend our time is the only way we will be able to look back and know that we created our life and planned our days and memories the way we wanted them to be. You must create your own Life or Life will create it for you. Take the time to look at your days and how you spend your time at least once a week and no less than once a month; more often if you are feeling stressed. You know the phrase, "Life is not a dress rehearsal", so make this your best show ever!!

R&R = plan this in your Life and see what a difference it makes!

Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Bates is an ICF Certified Personal Life CoachSpecializing in successful life transitions and retirement for people 50 +

Sign up for her popular newsletter , visit her website at coachinglifedesign.com , or contact her: carolyn@coachinglifedesign.com