There are at least 5 to 10 new companies come into the MLM industry every day. It has become ultra competitive. Is it still worthwhile to join this industry? How a new person just signed up as a distributor yesterday is going to survive in this Industry? Majority of people you speak to has some degree of negative connation with the industry. So how do you are going to be successful in this home based business? The solution is to find people who love MLM.

I can hear you scolding me as crazy as where can I find these people. Before you shut down on me, let me tell you how the successful marketer did it in their business which they prefer to keep as a secret.

You need to find people who are already exposed to some form of MLM.

Let me define who these people are.

(1)Tried network marketing before and although they haven’t succeed but still believe that this is still the right way to achieve their dream.
(2)Failed network marketing before but willing to have another go and still looking for an opportunity to start another one(3)Currently in network marketing opportunity and looking for a better ones to switch over or looking for a better mentor to help them to succeed.
(4)Their previous MLM company recently closed down due to whatever reasons and they are looking for another one to start.

These 4 groups of people are people who love MLM.

So what is the best way to approach them for your business opportunity?

This is where all the MLM newbie starts to commit serious mistake and they are out of their business in no time.

First, what they do is scare everyone away with their business opportunity without considering even if they are looking for one.

They approach these people by telling them how good their company, products, compensation plan and training are. Newbie start to use comparison strategy to make their business opportunity is a better choice for their prospect. They attempt to tell them that my product is better than your product, my compensation plan pays more than yours, my management team has more experience and my upline can help me ‘close’ more prospects compared to yours.

This kind of “my company is better than yours” is not going to work at all. You make your prospect look stupid as you are telling them that they make a lousy choice. Even you win the argument, you lose your “back door” and they loose face when they lose their case against you.

The better way to prospect these people is to first, brand yourself as a network marketing expert and leader. Only when you find a way to provide value to other people will they even begin to consider your network marketing opportunity. Building relationships first is more important than entering into a shouting match to see whose company is better. When you can show your prospect that you can add value to their life (their knowledge, their income, etc), they will be more likely to join your network marketing opportunity in the future.

Author's Bio: 

Ngoh Kwong Meng is a successful online home based business coach who coaches network marketers to prospect and generate leads and, at the same time, get paid--even for prospects that do not join. Visit to get a free e book on "receive endless leads and cashflow."