All of us have needed a bit of cheerleading in our lives at one time or another. But to become a published writer you will need a little bit more than that. Have you dreamed of becoming a published author? If you a shoebox of stories, or notebooks crammed with your personal thoughts and observations, or if you’ve furiously scribbled notes outlining book ideas on small bits of paper piled up on your desktop, but haven’t had the courage to take them to the next level then keep reading.

You can write a book for a myriad of reasons. You can write a book as publicity for your business, to enhance your speaking career, to make extra income, or just to share your experience and insights. Whatever your reasons, non-fiction writing is a great way to enhance your self-perception, establish yourself as an expert, and extra income.

1. To begin, you will want to target a niche market. Research an audience to determine whom you want to target. This is probably the hardest task of your writing adventure. Your audience, or readers, are fast as the resources available on the net. The best way to approach this project is the start with the general categories: men, women, children, pets , technology, household, finances, etc.
2. Find out what resources your readers use online, and what their specific needs and desires are. Your research can be as simple finding out what they say they wished they had, or what they think is lacking in their current market. Uncover this information, and you will greatly enhance their desire to read your material and increase your income potential!
3. Brainstorm, outline, and draft a manuscript. Brainstorming is fun and easy. Talk with about three or four people in the category you’ve chosen and ask them a few key questions that center around your topic. Use this information to draft and outline.
4. After you’ve filled in the details of your outline with interesting facts, personal testimonies, and fun tips, submit your book to a professional editor. (More on this later.)
5. Submit your polished manuscript to a publisher or agent for publishing .

Go from ‘wanna be writer’ to actual published author.

Author's Bio: 

Ray Driver is co-founder and CEO of Reflections Publishing, Inc. She is also a published author, whose literary work includes two children’s books - Jemma's Treasure, and Quick n Sweet and The Purple Stream. She is the author of the self-help book for healthy relationships called Nappy Edges. She is a contributing author of Chicken Soup for the African American Soul and the co-host of Reflections Presents Cable Show. Ray is a professional ghostwriter, writing coach, and facilitator of Creative Writers' Workshops