Do you really possess the will to change your life?

How many times you got all excited about a great thought, leading to a change in your life, for a day or two and when the time comes to put it into action you realize that it's not going to be easy to accomplish by finding excuses and saying to yourself: it's not worth it, what's the use, it's going to take long time, it's hard to execute, who is going to be interested anyway, it's just a thought, nothing more!!!

This is our major problem, we, human beings. We always tend to underestimate our power of thinking. The will to change comes from the belief and faith you put in your thoughts and in yourself.

No new thoughts, no will, no belief mean no change

Those people who climbed the ladder of success had in mind one thing; the will to achieve their goals, the will to change their lives. They defied every obstacle, every negative thought, and every discouraging one. They refused to be like the others, like ordinary people following their daily routine of life.

Have the will in your mind, stuck to your faith and go ahead, don't look back, don't stop, don't listen to discouraging people, stay focused and move on.

One important thing, however, is the past. By saying 'don't look back'; it doesn't mean ignore your past, it only means; understand and learn from your mistakes in order to move on and make your future a brighter and a successful one. Never stop, never feel sorry about yourself. It's only in your mind, play the game with great will and faith , and you'll surely be a winner.

Thoughts for successWalid HADDAD

Author's Bio: 

I possess the website , it contains, for the time being, the index page. The website is about bridging science and spirituality through consciousness. The article above was written in June 2004 and was not meant to be in the self-development category, however, it can still be considered as an introduction to the work I'm going to develop in the few coming months.