It’s important to have good exercising tips. While many people practice strength training,few realize that it is one of the most effective ways to increase your metabolism.

This is big news for those trying to lose weight – why? Because your metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories. So if you do something that can increase your metabolism, you burn more calories, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Unfortunately, when people work out, they tend to focus on the short term – how many calories does this workout burn? This is based on a misunderstanding of the relationship between exercise and the calories your body burns. If weight loss is your goal, then there are three different issues you need to consider when choosing your workouts:

Short-term– How many calories will this workout burn while I’m actually doing it?

Medium-term– What effect will this workout have on my metabolism in the hours after I finish?

Long term– What effect will this workout have on my body composition. This is crucial, because it will ultimately affect how many calories you burn, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

The key is to choose workouts that will increase your metabolism – thus you should focus on the medium and long-term effects, because these are the ones that will ultimately help you to achieve your goals.

This has been confirmed by a recent study. Researchers at Colorado State University found that doing the right type of strength training increased fat burning for at least 16 hours after the workout! In addition, not only was resting fat-burning 62% higher, but the subjects’ resting metabolic rate had also risen by 4% .

So, a major piece of advice to you, is to make sure you incorporate a lot of strength training, and not just cardio!

To achieve great strength training effects, it is recommended that you:

  • Use a moderate number of repetitions – 10-15.
  • Train to the point of muscular failure on the last set – that means that you simply can’t lift the weight again.
  • Limit your rest time between sets (60 seconds or less)
  • Using exercises that work several big muscle groups at the same time – examples of these include bench press, bent over rowing, and squats.

    The picture gets even better when you consider another effect of this type of training. In addition to these ‘medium-term’ metabolic effects, this form of training can dramatically increase the body’s output of HGH Human Growth Hormone .

    Why is this good? Because HGH increases two crucial processes in your body – building muscle and burning fat.

    Now you may think that you don’t want more muscle, but remember that muscle burns more calories than anything else in your body – for each extra pound of lean muscle you carry, you burn 35 - 50 calories per day , 24 hours a day– even when you’re asleep!

    The problem for many people is that they struggle with the motivation to work out. If that sounds like you, check out my Weight Loss Motivation Program

    This free program is designed specifically to help you to deal with the mental side of weight loss , which is the most difficult.

    If you can successfully combine the mental aspects of weight loss with the right program of diet and exercise , you can achieve anything you want.

  • Author's Bio: 

    Ali’s passion centers around goal setting and motivation. Ali holds a Master's degree in Counselling Psychology, and has tested her principles of change on many clients that she has counselled. Ali has the most comprehensive FREE ONLINE weight loss motivation program on the internet.

    This program contains a series of highly unique and transformational questions that will assist you in your weight loss program, whatever it might be. You will address issues of motivation – which is a key component to following through with your weight loss goals. What’s more, is it also helps you identify those malicious mental files, those stubborn limiting beliefs that are holding you back.