Think about thoughts.. meditation allows you to notice your thoughts and just let them go by.. they have little significance to the meditator.. there seem to be different types of thoughts.. ranging from crystal clear ideas (knowing) to plain dull thinking (repetitive ? been there, done that) to totally fogged in thoughts (overwhelm or zero visibility). Some of these thoughts seem to be accompanied by or wrapped up in sensory feedback (think of a baby and most people respond Aaaah!), think of something terrible happening and notice your bodily responses.. Oooh! some thoughts stimulate other thoughts and create their own euphoria ?I suspect its addictive. Some thoughts hang around for a while after you’ve spoken to someone or just thought of them.. some thoughts are stimulated by memory.. some thoughts are inspired by listening to music or looking at an object of beauty .. some thoughts seem to enter without invitation (fantasy). Sometimes, thinking is just somet! hing to do, a habit, or time filler, until something interesting comes along, or until some energy is gained.

Either way we seem to be able to entertain a lot of them.. some of the thoughts are in opposition to each other ?they create ambivalence ?on the one hand I think "x" and on the other hand I think "y".. I suspect it keeps your options open to non committal until all the evidence is in to create a conclusion. Being unable to see beyond our own (or group) conclusions has a lot to do with resignation, indoctrination and group consciousness. We create a limiting thought that sums up what we either believe, prefer to believe, think we ought to believe or simply decide to believe.

Some thoughts we protect (secrets, lies).. some thoughts keep us strong (I can..)..some thoughts weaken us (I can’t..) some thoughts are designed to persuade others to think about us (manipulative thoughts).. some thoughts create a feeling of unity (we).. some thoughts create conflict and separation (they..)..somewhere on this battleground of thinking, there emerges dominant thinkers who can project their thoughts into creation.. sometimes trampling over the quiet thoughts that don’t generate much energy (I am..)..sounds like there’s a war of thoughts going on.. which are the good thoughts.. which are the bad thoughts.. how do we destroy the bad thoughts (pretend they don’t exist, or punish the thinker).. perhaps we can bury them in a perpetual state of denial, wrap some emotion around them (really evil!) and ignore them like they’ve gone away.. perhaps even lie “I didn’t mean that?..what are thoughts for, if anything.. I suppose they entertain us when they make us laugh.. t! hey energize us when we get high.. they depress us when they limit us.. they do seem to have a lot of power.. or at least we have assigned them power over us.. when in meditation, it’s easy to notice the significance of a thought.. it catches our attention and sometimes emotion.. we also notice in meditation that we are not our thoughts.. unless we select them.. or we allow them to select us (thoughts that stick).. there does seem to be a place where thoughts are interesting at least, amazing at best and terrifying at worst.. it all depends on whether you allow your self to be a creator of thoughts or a victim of thoughts.. the victim of thoughts will often forget they assigned creator to be not them (blame).. they may even select thoughts to attack the thought creator (virus thinking). .it doesn’t really matter who is thinking.. as long as the thoughts empower and expand the creator.. selfish thinking..

We are now led to explore the link between sensory feedback (that let’s us know if there is pleasure or pain) and the creation of beliefs. On the Avatar course, through a series of precise exercises that reawaken the senses, the student learns how to locate the origin point of a belief (if it is no longer helpful) and remove it’s influence. When it can be fully felt, in the original state (when it was installed during a moment of pleasure or pain) it can also be removed. This is often accompanied by some or more of the following symptoms: release of memory block/emotional block, release of physical tension, yawning, sighing, relaxed body posture, spontaneous fits of laughter, calming sensation, natural bursts of energy and excitement. When beliefs can be managed in this way, it is very natural to create pleasurable experiences for yourself and recognize beliefs that may be harmful to yourself and others. What an avatar learns is how to create and discreate through belief handling. This takes blame away from people and circumstances and places the avatar back into the role of knowing designer of his/her life.. Imagine being the creator of empowering beliefs, rather than the unknowing consumer of PRE-EXISTING beliefs?

Author's Bio: 

Mary M. Evans has been a Licensed Avatar Master since 1992. She offers one free preliminary session to anyone wishing to explore the workability of the Avatar tools in their own life. Her e-mail address is