When you receive the Seal you turn to the light. You find God's light and you spend most of your time in the majorian light, the light of the sun that rules the daytime.

There is a light that rules the day and there is a light that rules the night. The light that rules the day is the majorian light. This is the light of the sun. The lesser light is the moon, that rules the night.

Becoming sealed is like becoming a little earth. It happens just like when God created the earth. On the third day He created two lights--a greater majorian light for the day and a lesser light for the night.

You become a little earth because God plans to plant a garden in you. And you have potential as rich and vast as that of the whole earth to flourish in your flowering garden.

The two lights were made after the earth was made, so they could be signs for the earth, signifying its seasons--days, months, and years. They were made to shine forth from the Heavens to the earth to enlighten it.

So it was done. The majorian light was created--the sun--and the lesser light, the moon. The stars were also created at this time, and they shone with the moon in the night, divided from the sun in the day.

This took God the whole day. He spent all day the third day creating the sun and moon and stars. This third day came after the second day when He created the flowers and fruit trees.

So you have already become a garden by the time God creates the majorian and lesser lights to enlighten you. And on the second day He divided the waters so there would be water in the Heavens to water your garden with, as well as the seas.

When you become sealed God makes you a fertile earth. Then He divides the waters so there are waters above to rain upon you, making it much easier to water all your garden. And finally He creates the majorian light.

You become the soil needed to nourish the plants. The Holy Spirit comes to live within you, giving water to the earth. And another sealed person comes and shares the Holy Spirit with you, causing rain upon your land.

And your own spirit breathes in and out from within you. This is the wind blowing about upon the earth. This wind is needed to feed the plants since they breathe like you do.

All that is left that you need to grow your green things is the majorian light. God finally creates this light that shines with such a brightness it gives vigor to your verdant fields.

Now you know that all those stars are distant greater lights. They are great lights for those near them but they are far away from you. God has given you only the sun as your majorian light.

But the sun is all you need. It shines with such force that it fills your garden with color. You are that soil of the earth and you breathe winds gusting about. With the water of God and His majorian light you are ready to grow your garden!

You become more than a garden. You become a complete and balanced ecosystem. You are sustainable because along with yourself God gives you everything you need to bear fruit when you receive the Seal.

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And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? at www.sealsecrets.com and visit to learn about being sealed at www.sealofthesoul.com
Jason Witt