I am sure most of you are aware of the doom and gloom that is being spread right now regarding the current state of the economy. Today, I felt it was time to provide some valuable information on how to not just survive during this so-called crisis, but how to thrive.
Like everything else you must decide what you will do with this information. You can read it and delete it or you can apply it. The choice is yours.
If you want to thrive you must do two things.
#1 - Be completely honest with yourself as to where you are at in your life right now and what fears you are facing. Are you afraid that you are going to lose your job? Are you worried that you aren't going to make enough money? Are you scared that you may lose your house? How about your investments? Maybe your stocks or retirement fund is providing a place for concern?
Take some time right now to write down exactly where you are in your life right now, today. Now, right down the fears that are present when you look at your list.
#2 - The second thing you must do is make a commitment. Make a commitment to yourself. Commit to yourself that you are bigger than you currently are. You are not your current situation. Only you can decide if you are willing to commit to doing what you have to do to become what you want to become.The current economic situation is just a bump along the road of life right now. It is just a part of life that is going to challenge your commitment to yourself.
It's easy to be poor, unhealthy and unhappy. It requires no commitment. Playing the victim requires no effort from you. If you are ready to make a commitment and you have the spirit and the heart to change your life, keep reading. At his point it doesn't matter if you know how you are going to change your life, you can get help with that part. The important step is that you really commit to yourself.
OK - You have made the commitment. You know where you are and you know what you are afraid of. Now you must take ACTION! You are only going to thrive if you take action RIGHT NOW! Not tomorrow, or next week. RIGHT NOW! Right now determine one action step you can take to move yourself from just surviving to thriving. Once you have determined that step....do it!
My method of choice to move from survival to thriving is to leverage the power of the internet to grow my business. I don't have a background in websites, blogs or internet technology. However, I am a great student and I have learned a lot . I am a wife and mother of two kids with the heart and spirit to make sure my business grows and I thrive in the current economic situation. I am committed to making sure that money is not the reason my children are stopped from pursuing their dreams . I want to encourage you to find the heart and spirit inside yourself and do the same.
Georgee Low is the CEO of Decide Your Life, a community of like-minded people, sharing knowledge, reducing risk and taking women in business toward a better future. She is passionate and dedicated to helping entrepreneurs gain more freedom, fun and fortunes through their business. For more information visit our website at www.decideyourlife.com