As most of us small business owners know, sometimes it's not as easy as we would like it to be to stay motivated. Sometimes, it seems to take extreme will power to do the things necessary to create what we want. What if it was easier? What if there was a way to help you stay motivated even through the challenges? Guess what......... There is!
One of the key ingredients to creating lasting motivation is to create the mindset of success. You may be asking, "What exactly does mindset mean?" Well, according to James Arthur Ray in his book, The Science of Success, he describes your mindset as, "The sum total of our beliefs, values, identity, expectations, attitudes, habits , decisions, opinions, and thought patterns about ourselves, others and how life works." Therefore the results you achieve are due largely in part to your current mindset. Today, we are going to begin to create that mindset. We are going to get your brain on board to helping you succeed!
So how do we use our brain to create lasting motivation ? The first step is to discover the true meaning behind why you want to do something. We are going to use starting or owning your own business as the thing you want to do. Ask yourself, "What is the true reason I want to have my own business?" When I say, true reason, I don't mean to make more money. Sure, that is one of the reasons I'm sure that want your own business. However, I want you to go further.
Begin to ask yourself some key questions. Such as "Why do I want to have my own business?" "What will more money do for me?" "What is my true reason?" "What will happen if I own a successful business?" "What will my life look like?" "What will I be doing?"
As you ask yourself questions such as these, listen to what comes up. Write down everything and keep going. By continuing the questioning process you will eventually come up with your reason. Your reason will be personal to you, compelling and will resonate with the true values of who you are and what you want to be.
Once you have found your crystal clear reason write it down and read it every day. If you do this you will have a very powerful tool that you can use to achieve your success. Your "why" is what will keep you motivated along this journey of business ownership. It will help to navigate you to success. Give yourself this gift. Take the time to tap into your true "why".
Georgee Low is the CEO of Decide Your Life Coaching & Development, an organization dedicated to helping and supporting entrepreneurs to gain more freedom, fun and fortunes through their business. She is committed and passionate about helping people achieve success with less stress and more fun. Her agenda is your success. For more information visit our website at