This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Parenting. Parenting is the process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood using different methods, techniques, and guidance. Wouter van der Hall is the Official Guide to Parenting .

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 , by Thomas W. Phelan, is a valuable resource for people interested in Parenting , and it is available through and Barnes & Noble .

Book Description

Addressing the task of disciplining children ages 2 through 12 without arguing, yelling, or spanking, this audio program offers easy-to-follow steps to immediately manage troublesome behavior with reason, patience, and compassion. Parents and teachers learn how to encourage and respect children’s growing independence with 10 strategies for building self-esteem . Also discussed are the three most important qualities for parents or teachers to exhibit in order to foster competence in kids. Tips are included on how to prevent homework arguments, make mealtimes more enjoyable, conduct effective family meetings, and encourage children to start doing their household chores. An award-winning program discusses the importance of establishing and maintaining a home or classroom with fair and consistent discipline, this revised edition includes suggestions on how to avoid over-parenting, build children’s social skills, and apply the program within mental health agencies and classrooms.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Parenting . The Official Guide to Parenting is Wouter van der Hall . Wouter uses his extensive experience and diverse education as a parent educator and coach to provide parents with easily accessible tools, skills and knowledge.

Additional Resources covering Parenting can be found at:

Website Directory for Parenting
Articles on Parenting
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Wouter van der Hall, the Official Guide To Parenting