Alternative Approach to Meeting Special Needs Health Care

By Dr. Annalee Kitay

Paula and Jack had been long time patients and when Paula was pregnant she decided to go to England to have her child, Susan, delivered by midwives.It turned out that there were complications during birth and the baby's head kept hitting the mother's pubic bone.

When she was delivered, Susan was diagnosed with Micro-cephaly and had little expectation of survival. Susan did survive and was about 16 months old when her parents, accompanied by a nanny, brought her in to my office.

There was this tiny individual with eyes that could not focus and track properly. She had very little motor control exaggerated by a tremor, and was unable to sit up. The left side of her head was flattened and asymmetrical to the other side. The child was miserable and crying.

I treated Susan using Neural Organization Technique that day and she returned the next day for continued treatment. When I walked down the stairs to my office the nanny was holding Susan and I could not believe my eyes.
The left side of Susan's head had completely filled out and now her head was symmetrical. After two more treatments Susan's motor control improved and she was beginning to use her right hand. The child's eyes were now focused and they were tracking much better than before. She had better control of her head and limbs, and the tremor that characterized much of her movement was almost gone. She was able to sit up with less support. The parents relayed that her attitude had improved and she was a much happier little girl, smiling much more and laughing. The parents also relayed that Susan was taking a greater interest in her surroundings and was more alert. Her sleep patterns had improved in that she did not wake up crying from pain or fear.

Children like Susan, who have been handicapped with special needs, have challenges in that the brain is not receiving information in an ordinary way. Their normal neurological processing system has been scramble in one way or another.

This scrambling may be a result of improper signaling from the body or from outside sources. This improper signaling causes a break in the normal flow of information to the brain, creating disorganization in the system. The brain may then redirect inappropriate signals back to the body's systems, which may in turn cause inappropriate physiological reactions. Neural Organization Technique is a protocol that corrects structural and physiological faults, allowing the appropriate signals to be sent to the brain, and reorganize the way correct information is then transmitted in the body. Neural Organization Technique is a very powerful tool to help these children achieve their optimum goals.

To give a simple explanation of how the technique works, lets compare the human body to a house with its electrical system. The electrical system is set up to run the heating, cooling and plumbing systems and to allow the lights to work.

There is a main panel board or circuit box that controls these functions.Some times outside stressors (like inclement weather) can cause a short circuit in one of the systems, but by touching the correct switches that are connected to the main panel, the circuit can be reconnected enabling a return to normal function.

The Neural Organization Technique is based on the idea that the human body is made up of various circuits extending between the brain and the various systems of the body. These different circuits control the body's major functions, such as circulation, digestion, hormone secretion, excretion and learning .

Signals from the body, as well as from outside factors, come through receptors on the body into these circuits, where the information is then transmitted to the brain. In the brain these messages are organized and then redirected back to the body to effect change in a particular system.

Many health problems develop as a result of improper signaling from the body (like emotional and genetic stresses), or from outside sources, (like environ-mental, chemical or physical stresses). When there are inappropriate physiological reactions, outside intervention is needed to accelerate the natural healing process.

Neural Organization is a manual technique that corrects structural and physiological abnormalities by reorganizing the way information is transmitted in the body. Based on the principal of acupuncture, applied kinesiology , and chiropractic , it is a non-invasive technique in which the physician uses light to moderate digital pressure on various points of the patient's body. Gentle spinal and cranial bone manipulation are used as
well. The Neural Organization Technique Theory holds that the human body
is set up in such a way that by just touching precise points on the body, the disrupted informational circuits can reconnect to restore function to as normal as possible.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Annalee Kitay, a chiropractic physician,who specializes in Neural Organization Technique sees patients in Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale, Florida as well as in New Jersey She can be reached locally at 954-481-8511 and long distance 1-888-456-0065,or through her website: