Using willpower alone for self-improvement usually leads to disappointing results. Very often when we make a decision to change something in our lives, that decision is made by the conscious mind only, while the subconscious mind is programmed with a conflicting agenda. Our conscious mind, which is the part of the mind that uses willpower, affects less than ten percent of our mental programming. Both aspects of the mind must be in alignment. If they are not, the subconscious mind will always win. The subconscious is programmed to determine our behaviors automatically.
It may seem like the subconscious is working against you, but in fact its primary objective is for your protection and survival. Any situation you encounter that has emotional consequence for you, either happy or painful, is noted by the subconscious mind in fulfilling its prime directive to protect you from future pain. If you are in danger, your subconscious reacts automatically to protect you from harm.
The subconscious is also very good at learning behaviors that are repeated often enough to become a habit. This makes your day-to-day functioning more streamlined and efficient, such as automatically knowing how to drive a car or tie your shoes without having to think about it.
A lot of our subconscious programming occurred at an early age, when we were young and our minds were open to learning everything we could. As life goes on, the subconscious becomes more and more cluttered with ideas, judgments about experiences (based on emotional responses to them), habits and outdated programming that are no longer useful for our benefit or survival. It is basically a vast storehouse of information, and processes this information for the physical and emotional protection and survival of its owner.
Since this processing is pre-programmed and not necessarily rational, it is often at odds with what we would like to accomplish in our lives.
Hypnosis is an effective tool for change because it bypasses the filters of our mental programming, which would otherwise prevent suggestions of change from getting through to the subconscious. The conscious mind becomes relaxed and allowing via hypnosis in order for these changes to take place. For it to work the person must have a strong desire on a conscious level for the changes that are being sought.
Many people still have misconceptions about hypnosis that cause them to fear losing control while in a hypnotic state. This fear will keep a person from being hypnotized in the first place. Yet even in hypnosis , a person cannot be made to do something they really do not want to do. If a suggestion goes against someone's sense of personal integrity, it simply will not work. There must be a desire and willingness to allow the suggestions in order for them to be effective.
Once the subconscious accepts a new message that alters its pre-programmed responses, change becomes effortless and automatic.
Moonstone Star White is a personal growth facilitator, hypnotherapist and licensed massage therapist. Her transformational book, “High Way From Hell: Using Emotion to Fan the Fire of Enlightenment”, helps readers align with their inner wisdom and become a more authentic expression of self. “High Way From Hell” has won 8 national book awards.
She may be reached at
. Her hypnotic recordings are available at
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