When it comes to marketing, conversational copywriting is essential.
The outdated formal business communication is just that – outdated. Big words. Confusing sentences. Not only does it make the content challenging to read, but all too often, the reader loses interest before getting to the end of the first paragraph.
Conversational copywriting resonates with your audience because your message reads as if it comes from a friend. It reads like you’re having a cozy conversation over a cup of coffee in a neighbourhood café – but more compelling.
Here are 6 tips to ensure your content sounds conversational.
#1 Keep it short.
Less is more when it comes to your content. Small words. Short sentences. Short paragraphs. And yes, this will take more time to write.
I always chuckle when someone hiring me says, “I don’t need much content. It shouldn’t take you long to write.”
In reality, writing less takes more time. Paring a page of content down to a couple of paragraphs, while maintaining the essence to get your meaning across, takes time and practice.
#2 Be real.
Nothing is more annoying than clicking on a line of content expecting one thing and finding out you’ve been duped. This can destroy your brand.
Likewise, get rid of the fluff, the overused clichés, platitudes, buzzwords, and hype. It’s not believable and screams that you’re trying to sell them. Consumers don’t want to be sold to – they want to be educated. Instead, let them know “why” they need your stuff. Get to the heart of the issue – the emotional core.
#3 Write like you talk – but better.
In a face-to-face conversation, you use facial expressions and hand gestures to get your point across. When writing your content, you must convey the emotion in a more concise and structured way.
Eliminate “wishy-washy” words (really, usually, just, very). Cut unnecessary repetitions. Use strong nouns and verbs. Be bold. Be specific.
#4 Share stories.
We’re naturally captivated by stories. Good stories touch both the emotional and the logical parts of the brain and can convince your reader that your offering is the perfect choice for their needs – especially if your potential clients can see themselves in your story.
Share your story. And share stories about your customers and their experiences working with you or using your products.
#5 Use emotion.
It’s vital that you know what emotional triggers resonate with your audience. What questions do they have? After all, you’re getting the conversation started as they read your content.
Address each of their concerns in your content, so you don’t leave them hanging and wondering what you’re not telling them. If there’s a huge concern that’s relevant to your industry, address it immediately. You could even stand apart from your competitors if you take charge of that issue and create the solution.
#6 Apply these conversational techniques.
Use contractions, such as “you’re” and “they’re” instead of “you are” and “they are.”
Talk directly to the reader by using the word “you” often instead of talking about your business. Read your content to ensure the use of “I,” “we,” “me,” and “us” is limited.
Ask questions – remember, it’s conversational, so questions engage the reader. But don’t include a long list of questions – one or two is enough.
To check if your content sounds conversational, read it out loud. If not, go back and simplify your sentences.
Susan Regier, owner of Vantage One Writing, is an in-demand copywriter, marketing strategist, and business breakthrough specialist to ambitious entrepreneurs who want to have a profitable business they are passionate about. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that can ignite sales and profits for her clients. Claim your free guide: 15 Tips to Increase Your Influence, Attract More Clients & Make More Money at https://susanregier.com .