Self-care is often depicted as a luxury, when really, it is a basic need. No human is any good to a boss, partner, child, or friend if they are exhausted and undernourished, either literally or figuratively. Acknowledging that every person is worthy and deserving of self-care is the first step toward practicing it.

Time Out

Deciding to take time out of a hectic schedule can seem like an insurmountable task. Stepping past “trying” to actually blocking out two hours per week (or more) of time for oneself is critical to functioning effectively. Even after work, self-care can be a struggle. So often, people prioritize others above themselves . By doing so, there is a subconscious message being translated that conveys a lack of self-worth. Make the time.

Remember What You Love

For self-care to mean anything or have any sort of real, recharging effect, it must be a type of activity (or non-activity) that you particularly enjoy and benefit from. This often means taking a step back to count the things that elicit joy for you in particular. Spending time remembering what you love is not only a productive exercise , but a healthy one. Similarly to counting things you are grateful for, this can have a positive mood altering effect.

Body Work

According to doTERRA , massage , positional therapy, chiropractic visits, baths, and utilizing essential oils for aromatherapy are all wonderful options for self-care. By making affectionate, physical contact with yourself or allowing a professional to connect with you, you are allowing your brain and body to recharge simultaneously. Physical contact encourages the brain to release serotonin, a neurotransmitter known for creating feelings of comfort and satisfaction.


Yoga is another popular option for self-care. By encompassing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of self-exploration into one art, it helps on multiple levels. Yoga provides an outlet to help the mind quiet itself so that you can be in your body and truly listen to what it needs. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health , not all types of Yoga are created equal, so choose an instructor wisely and pay attention to the effects you experience.


The real trick to self-care after you’ve done it once is to work it into your regular schedule. Whether this means physically blocking it off in a calendar or letting friends know about it, this is important. Take the time you need to rejuvenate.

Truly, self-care is part of a productive human’s lifestyle. Carving out time in regular increments to do things you love and get in touch with whatever you really need will preserve health and happiness . Decide to make the time for yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Rachael Murphey is an entrepreneur and blogger on topics of personal success, fashion, business, marketing, personal finance, and health. She graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with her Associates in English, and from the University of Colorado Denver with her Bachelors in Business Management. She currently lives in Denver with her dog Charlie.