As temperatures take a dip and the winds become more chilly, its time you start preparing your skin for the difficult times ahead. Here are some of the common skin problems encountered by people in the winter season and how you protect your skin accordingly.

Problem: Skin Flakiness

Flaky skin is a result of extreme skin dryness. The dry chilly winds of the winter season and low humidity levels seep out all the moisture from your skin leaving in dry and lifeless. As a result, the outer layer of the skin is damaged and loses its pliability. This further leads to extreme skin flakiness.


Resist the temptation of long hot showersIt may feel extremely comforting to take long hot baths in the winter. However, it may just damage the skin and make the problem worse. Hot water makes the skin lose moisture and also its essential oils. As a result, the skin becomes more dry and flaky. Therefore, take shorter showers using warm water and use a rich moisturizing body wash.

Moisturize EffectivelyMake sure you apply a rich creamy moisturizer immediately after you get out of the shower. This would ensure that the moisturized gets absorbed in the skin and its well-hydrated. Also, it form a protective barrier over the skin and locks in the natural skin moisture. Don't forget to reapply moisturizer throughout the day. Consider using the Kinerase Ultimate Day Moisturizer is a luxurious cream that contains photosomes that are clinically proven to correct sun damage and rehydrate the skin. Use it daily by gently massaging into entire face and neck.

Problem: Skin Dryness

The low temperatures and humidity levels of the winter season makes the skin lose moisture and leaves it dry and lifeless.


Keep your Skin HydratedYou don't feel as thirsty in winter as you do in summers. However, make sure you drink lots of water and keep your skin hydrated. You can also take warm herbal teas instead of caffeine.

Look for Rich Moisturizing IngredientsUse moisturizers with rich hydrating ingredients like niacin, Vitamin B3, hyaluronic acid and alpha hydroxy acids like lactic acid, glycolic acid that dissolve the dead skin cells and makes the moisturizer penetrate better within the skin surface. However, avoid using very rich formulations that may clog your skin pores. Try Skin Care Heaven Cell Protein Serum. It contains growth factors to promote the production of collagen in the skin. This product uses stabilized Vitamin C which provides powerful antioxidants that help to rejuvenate and restore the skin.

Problem: Skin Itchiness

Skin itchiness is a result of dehydration caused by the extreme winter temperature. The loss of moisture from the skin cells cause them to become dry and feel itchy.


Use a HumidifierCentral heating systems tend to make the indoor environment extremely dry. A humidifier increases the moisture levels in the atmosphere and prevents the skin from drying. As a result, the skin doesn't feel itchy.

Wear Comfortable ClothesDuring the winter season, wear loose comfortable clothes made of natural fibers. This would not irritate the skin and thus prevent any undue itchiness. Wearing tight clothes made of artificial fibers leads to excessive sweating which further leads to itchiness.

Problem: Sore & Red Skin

During the winter season, indoor environments are generally kept warm with air-conditioners. And when you move from the warm indoor environment to the chilly outdoor space, the blood capillaries dilate and contract. Because of this, the capillary walls eventually lose elasticity and leads to increased skin redness and sensitivity.


Use a Nourishing MoisturizerInstead of a regular moisturizer, use one that has nutritional benefits. Try Skin Care Heaven Anti-oxidant Oil-Free Moisturizer that contains Green Tea Extract and Vitamins A, C and E which assist in minimizing sun damage and infuses antioxidants into the skin while soothing and moisturizing it. This product is specially formulated to deliver a blend of nourishing ingredients to smooth and soften skin.

Author's Bio: 

Naomi Andrews was the lead esthetician and manager at a reputed medical spa in Maui. She has cultivated in depth knowledge about skin care and has a special interest in studying the various facets of dry skincare and sensitive skin care .