"There's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish." - Napoleon Hill

Do you believe you can create what you really want in your life?

If not, you're going to have a VERY DIFFICULT time getting what you want.

I started college in 1980 and ended up dropping out 3 years later.

The obvious question is "Why would I quit when I was so close to graduating?"

The answer is my beliefs MADE me do it!

They played a huge role in my decision to pack it in when I was so close to the end result.

At that time I believed things like...

- These classes are way too hard for me

- I'm just not smart enough to do this

- I don't know what I want and no one can help me figure it out

- Why bother, what difference will it make?

Since our thinking and beliefs create our reality, these thoughts inevitably produced the very things I thought about and thus I gave up and dropped out.

What is Belief?

A belief is simply a practiced repetition of a thought or idea until it becomes an accepted, habitual way of thinking.

They can be either positive and empowering, or negative and disempowering.

Where do they come from?

Most often they're programmed into us during our childhood from parents, teachers, and society. In fact, studies show that up to about the age of 7 or 8 we have no ability to filter out what we see, hear and experience in our environments.

Some of the programming that takes place during this time is of course helpful, but by and large, for most of us, that early programming is EXTREMELY negative in nature.

For example, a UCLA survey from a few years ago reported that the average one year old child hears the word "No" more than 400 times a day!

By the time we hit the workforce, even if we are very positive, energetic and optimistically focused individuals, we're probably speaking with negative language throughout each and everyday without even knowing it, thus continuing the cycle of negative programming.

For example, do you say things to yourself like...

- It's hard to make money?

- I'm not good enough?

- I'm not smart enough?

I hope it's obvious that these "beliefs" will NOT help you find the happiness and success you desire.

How do you take control of your Beliefs?

There are 3 things you need to do to take control of your beliefs so that they support you in your quest to get what you want.

First, you need to figure out what it is that you want. Be as specific as possible.

Second, you need to figure out what you need to believe in order to achieve your desired outcome.

Third, if you don't already have the necessary belief, you need to program it into your subconscious mind.

That's it in a nutshell. Although it appears simple, it often takes patience and persistence to complete these 3 steps and install the new "programming" successfully.

Once again, let me hammer this home - if you lack the belief that you can and will have what you desire, then you're going to have a VERY DIFFICULT time getting what you want. So, don't delay, start rewriting your beliefs today.

© 2007-2009 Kim Smith

Author's Bio: 

Kim Smith is a Life Coach who passionately helps people learn and master the skills and strategies they need to experience the peaceful, happy, satisfying lives they want and deserve. Find out more at www.coachkim.com.