We all know scheduling a dentist visit regularly is important for good oral hygiene and a brighter, whiter smile. What you may not know is that not getting in to see your dentist on a regular basis could cause other problems you didn't even know about. Here are 26 reasons to make sure you get a dentist visit regularly!

These reasons written with the help of Dr. Sangalang and the team at Watson Dental Care

1. Brushing may not be enough.

Brushing and flossing are great at-home treatments, but they can't match the deep cleaning your dentist can do. Your dentist uses special tools that can help get food out from places your toothbrush and floss can't go.

2. Oral cancer is treatable if caught early.

Even if you've never smoked or dipped a day in your life, some people are just genetically predisposed to certain kinds of cancer. Especially if you have a family history of cancer, you should make sure to ask your dentist about a cancer screening.

3. Toothaches bite.

Having a toothache is one of the worst feelings in the world. Even worse, that "little toothache" you're nursing today could turn into a major medical problem if left untreated. Your dentist can help you choose an oral care regimen that will safeguard your choppers and leave you less susceptible to toothaches.

4. Pregnant? You need to make a dentist visit regularly.
In addition to the other side effects of pregnancy , acid reflux and upset stomach can lead to enamel erosion on your teeth.

5. Not pregnant? Guess what...?

If you have chronic stomach issues, especially sour stomach or acid reflux, you need to see your dentist to help safeguard your teeth.

6. Who wants dentures?

Tooth decay is usually preventable with a good oral hygiene regimen and a dentist visit regularly. Unless, of course, you like the idea of popping your teeth in and out every day...

7. Get that toothache checked out.

Not only do toothaches hurt, but they can also lead to seizures, stroke and even death because of how close your teeth are to your brain. Early treatment can prevent this.

8. It's good for your baby.

If you're pregnant, you may worry about getting X-rays or other side effects of visiting your dentist. Pregnancy hormones, morning sickness and environmental factors can all cause or make gum disease worse.

9. What about when baby does come?

Getting regular checkups during pregnancy is also a great time to get educated about when your child's first dental exam should be and what to expect during it.

10. It can get you a better job.

Appearance matters, especially today with less jobs to go around and more people competing. A better smile makes you look more intelligent, attractive, and shows you "sweat the small stuff."

11. You have persistent bad breath.

Halitosis, the clinical name for bad breath, could be a sign of a serious problem. Your dentist can tell you the cause and help you treat it.

12. You notice pain, swelling or both in your face or neck.This could be a sign of a serious medical condition, and your dentist can help you identify the problem.

13. You have had dental work in the past.

Crowns and fillings may need "touch-up" work. Checking with your dentist can make the difference between a minor repair and a literal major pain.

14. Dry mouth?

Persistent dry mouth can signal oral health problems. Take these signs seriously and get them checked as soon as possible.

15. You're undergoing certain kinds of medical treatment.

Putting things into your body that aren't usually there, like radiation, chemo or hormone replacement therapies, can cause problems with your gums and teeth. Your dentist can help you reduce or eliminate these problems.

16. Sensitive to heat or cold?

This could be a sign of worn enamel, cavities or other problems. If you love hot or cold beverages, but can't drink them, you need to see your dentist.

17. You have wisdom teeth.

Many people's wisdom teeth grow in without difficulty. However, they can crowd your mouth and lead to infection. Your dentist can tell you your chances of having a problem, or not, with your wisdom teeth.

18. Is that a canker sore?

"Canker sore" is a catch-all term, but that painful thing in your mouth could be a simple sore or a sign of a sexually transmitted infection or incipient gum disease.

19. Want to quit smoking?

Your dentist can give you a lot of good reasons to stop smoking, tips and suggestions on how you can give up tobacco.

20. Do you have a sore throat?

A sore throat can be a warning sign of oral disease.21. It can save you money.

Scheduling a dentist visit regularly can save you a ton on corrective treatment down the road.

22. You'll look better.

23. You'll feel better.

24. You'll live longer.

25. You'll get a lot more kissing done!

Author's Bio: 

I'm just your average hygienist with a passion for excellence. I do what I do best, which is to help my patients achieve healthy smiles and provide & educate them with oral health care solutions and lifelong cosmetic procedures.