While spending a wonderful weekend at one of the Spiritual Retreats at the Earthship, I picked up some of the many products available from Asoma Music (their solar powered studio). One in particular touched me in a most profound way. It was the Asoma Music/Dan Millman composition entitled “Song Of The Sage”. I recall reading the titles of the pieces – 12 Laws of Spirit. I was a little put off at first thinking that someone was going to tell me how to live my life by projecting their beliefs (and laws) onto me.

When I finally put the disk in the player I was blown away! As a recovering addict I quickly realized how the 12 Laws of Spirit worked in perfect harmony with any 12 step program . To me it eloquently described the process of finding Spiritual Awareness through Self Authenticity. It reaffirmed all that I had been studying and working toward and lead to a more meaningful relationship with my Higher Power.

It occurred to me just how useful this information would have been (to me) during the early stages of my recovery. In those days it was difficult for me to connect with a Higher Power and I found myself struggling with the Spiritual aspect of the program.

I shared the experience with my weekly Step Study Group and played them the “Song Of The Sage” and they agreed that it could help and inspire anyone who was willing to listen.I decided that as part of my service work of “carrying the message to the still suffering addict” that I would try to make this information available to those in need.

I approached the folks at Asoma with a proposition to donate some disks so that they could find their way into the hands, ears, hearts and souls of the still suffering addicts and hopefully help guide them on their path toward Spiritual Enlightenment .

When I explained my goals and intentions to them I was overwhelmed by their generosity and gracious nature in supporting this service work. They were totally on board!

If you know a suffering addict who could use a guiding light out of self denial and into Spiritual Enlightenment , then I can tell you from my own personal experience that this will help.

Ex Malo Bonum – From Bad Comes Good

For more info please visit http://www.songofthesage.com/sagesplash.php

Sean Murphy,Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Author's Bio: 

Sean Murphy is head of a leading 12 Step recovery program in Toronto Ontario Canada. Having come through the addiction process he is well equipped to guide others on similar journeys into wholeness.His main goal in life is to be of service to others, to help them - through his own experience and insight - to find their true selves.