I’ve always been curious about why people do the things they do. So I did some research into consumer behavior .

1. Marketing Campaigns

Advertisement is essential in contributing to the purchases made by consumers. Regular campaigns can influence the consumer purchasing decision to the point that they may opt for one company or brand over another. Or even indulge in petty shopping. Marketing campaigns help remind consumers to shop for less flashy products such as, say, insurance .

2. Price

The price you set for a product has a significant effect on how a consumer behaves. A high price will often send your consumer heading for the lower priced alternative. Alternatively, consumers equate high prices with superior quality products. The best advice would be to research the cost set by competitors. What is best for your brand? Are you looking to sell below or above market price? Take this into careful consideration.

3. Product

Consumers generally buy to meet a need, not the product. It’s surprising why people really buy things. Sometimes they buy for personal growth and sometimes they buy for power and influence. Ultimately, people want to be popular and to be liked by other people. One of the most shared articles last year was shoppers are buying clothes just for instagram . This shows the great lengths people will go to be adored.

4. Self Concept and Lifestyle

Products are expected to have a personality driven by physical appearance, packaging, and price. The consuming behavior of an individual will be directed to enhancing self-concept through consumption of goods and symbols. Consumers can be defined in terms of the products they purchase or use. Or in terms of what those products mean for them according to M. Joseph Sirgiy .

5. The Cost of Zero

In the book Predictably Irrational , Dan Ariely suggests that most transactions have an upside and a downside. The author believes that most transactions have an upside and a downside, but when something is free people forget the downside. A free offer gives an emotional charge that we perceive what is being offered as immensely more valuable than it really is. Dan believes that it’s because humans are intrinsically afraid of loss.

6. Seeking something new

Consumers are no longer loyal to brands like they used to be. There is something called Brand Fatigue . People are so overwhelmed and easily distracted. What that means, for example, is instead of sticking with Starbucks someone may opt for the neighborhood coffee shop. Loyalty is short lived nowadays.

Consumers try to seek new brands not because these brands are any “better” but rather they want a “change.” They now become loyal to the engagement and experience that a particular brand offers.

“The consumer has changed dramatically. There’s a shift in consumer behavior and brands need to adjust accordingly.” -Edan| Brand Sentrik

7. Attitudes and beliefs

Consumers form a certain attitude towards a product. They’ll have a certain feeling and belief towards an object. For example, we’ve formed a belief toward Apple products. They are sleek, fluid, easy-to-use, user-friendly, and smart. This forms a customer to brand relationship.

A consumer will also hold both positive and negative beliefs. “Apple is a great company but ever since iPhone nothing much has changed.

“You have to start with the customer experience and work your way back to technology” - Steve Jobs

8. Word of Mouth

Information is passed from individual to individual about products. Word of mouth is extremely powerful. Your brand and reputation are on the line and online through what other people say. Many frustrated customers take to Twitter to display their frustration with a service or product. Flight delays can be frustrating. Jet Blue ensures customer loyalty by responding to frustrated customers .

9. Technology Adoption

Marc Andreessen, the American Entrepreneur, is quoted as saying “technology is eating the world.” From smartphones to social networking apps. Technology has changed the way we interact with our world.

10. Personal Preference

Consumer behavior influences various shades of likes, dislikes, morals and values on a personal level. In certain industries like fashion and personal care, the consumer’s personal view and opinion can become the influencing factor. Nevertheless, advertisement can help in influencing these factors to a point, ultimately the likes and dislikes have more influence on the purchasing decisions.


As societies, culture, and technology continue to advance, we’ll begin to see slight changes in consumer behavior .

Author's Bio: 

Ashis Kumar is a passionate blogger who likes to share creative ideas.