We Are All Healers
By Martin Brofman
We define healing as “returning to the experience of balance (harmony) and wellness.” One who heals another is helping the other return to the experience of wellness. Those healing themselves, or involved in self-healing, are returning themselves to the ... Views:1683
Unconditional Love
Martin Brofman
When I had terminal cancer and had to heal myself, one of the ideas that I came across was that “Love Heals.” Since my healing was a matter of life and death, and I had decided to live, I had to find out what love is. While I am certain that somewhere inside ... Views:1385
Through The Tunnel
by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.
A Personal Account of NDE by a Walk-In
I was at the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia. I had just been told that I had a "blockage" in my spinal cord, from the fourth to the seventh cervical vertebrae at the level of the neck, that had been ... Views:1566
By Martin Brofman
(from Anything Can Be Healed – Findhorn Press)
Each of the chakras is like a lens through which you choose to interpret events in the outer world. You always have the choice as to whether you will interpret these events through the filter of Security, Sensation, ... Views:1445
Owning Your Power
by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.
Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. Consider how your reasons for not being yourself may have been to get the love or approval of others. Then, you have given others the power to ... Views:2002
Love Heals
by Martin Brofman
When I decided to heal myself of terminal cancer in 1976, I heard the idea that “love heals.” Everyone seemed to know this, and since healing myself was now a matter of life and death for me, I decided it would be a really good idea to add this to my ... Views:4626
Breast Cancer – The Inner Cause
By Martin Brofman
We work with the idea that everything begins in the consciousness, and that symptoms on the physical level reflect tensions in the person’s consciousness about something happening in their life at the time the symptom began, or was ... Views:2869
Kidney Disease and Healing
Martin Brofman, PhD.
With healing, we work with the idea that everything begins inside, with your consciousness. Tensions or symptoms on the physical level represent tensions in the consciousness.
When someone develops any symptom, it is interesting to see what ... Views:8693
Affirmations you can use (Choose one each day and repeat it to yourself that day. From time to time, read the list to yourself):
1. I know I can see clearly without eyeglasses.
2. I see more clearly when I'm relaxed and centered.
3. I see clearly when I am here now.
4. I can have clear ... Views:10726
Each type of illness is associated with a particular way of being. There is a personality type associated with heart disease, there is another associated with cancer, another with nearsightedness, etc. The person’s way of being has had stress associated with it, and that stress has reached the ... Views:3567
We are each an energy system. Energy flows through our being, and is directed by our consciousness. When we are healthy, or in balance, the energy flows smoothly.
The flow of energy is regulated by seven energy centers, called chakras.
Any illness or disease can be described as an ... Views:1204
Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness.
Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being.
You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. ... Views:1570
Chakra Healing Meditation
…from the book, "Anything Can Be Healed," by Martin Brofman
With this experience, you will be directing your attention to each of the chakras in turn, first by focusing on physical sensations, and then by using your imagination, your ability to create images, to ... Views:1616
Vision as a Metaphor
by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.
(The relationship between eyesight and consciousness)
Vision As A Metaphor
Why are our eyes called the windows to our souls? Why do we speak of the way that we "see" the world? Why do we say, "I see", in order to communicate that we understand? ... Views:1553
Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation.
Anything can be healed.
One or two months to live.
... Views:1531