Head, tiny feet and hands, resting in the palm.
A cry signaling the present and future pain.
From birth, there will be no calm.
Abandoned by mother, treated with disdain,
Tossed to and fro, from place to place.
Locked into the system, full of fears,
Who will care and look upon my ... Views:2098
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso said that "patience is a mind that is able to accept, fully and happily, whatever occurs." And Shantideva stated, "If something can be remedied why be unhappy about it? And if there is no remedy for it, there is still no point in being unhappy." When people have undergone ... Views:2206
Dr. Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D., B.C.S.A. is a noted psychotherapist, child/adolescent developmental specialist, and social activist. Dr. Edmunds is the founder of the International Center for Humane Psychiatry, a coalition of mental health professionals, psychiatric survivors and others dedicated to ... Views:4954
There are powerful forces at work which pull us to and fro and infect us with ideas of who we are, what we should be, and often block us from becoming. These forces arise within our social and familial structures. We are sent repetitive messages and they become deeply engrained. We may have been ... Views:2567
One of my clients, a thirteen year old boy, related to me about his prior time at a residential treatment center. He said that many of the staff would call him and the other children by obscene names, that he often felt bullied, degraded, and ‘like I never was a human being.” The father of this ... Views:2639
In aiding children with developmental challenges, we must first realize that this requires a team effort and a strengths based approach. It is necessary to not focus on what the child cannot do but look at what the child can accomplish and build upon this. Parents can enlist the support of ... Views:2645
In dealing with children with autism spectrum disorders, its all about relationship. These children are within a realm where they feel and respond much differently than others. There has been much focus on trying to eliminate certain behaviors or to evoke particular responses in children which ... Views:2397
In memory of 14 year old Matthew Smith; 11 year old Stephanie Hall; and 10 year old Shaina Dunkle and other children who have died from the use of psychotropic drugs for "ADHD".
The Eli Lilly company has been marketing a new drug for those who are labeled as ADHD known as Strattera. This drug ... Views:2300
What is termed ‘madness’ or ‘mental illness’ is for some the only means for expression of their being lost and confused in a world which has caused them deep hurt and pain. Such is not disease but behavior with metaphorical meaning. There has been received through life mixed messages and ... Views:2409