Allergy Relief without Drugs
Murray Grossan, M.D.
Allergy symptoms are on the rise with increasing allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and bronchial sysmptoms. Allergic rhinitis has led to painful sinuses and allergy type headaches. The stress factors lead to fatigue and lowered ... Views:1131
I have a Headache, but I don’t know if it’s Sinus, Allergy, Migraine or TMJD.
My ENT doctor says I have a sinus headache. He told me to stop irrigating with flow back squeeze and pot devices that reinfect you.
My dentist says my headache is from my jaw. He says I have temporomenadibular ... Views:1711
Recently the Centers for Disease reported a 17% increase in Asthma. If you have allergies what can you do to prevent asthma or sinusitis? What can you do for treatment?
According to the Unified Field theory, the lungs and sinuses develop from the same embryo layers, with similar cilia; except ... Views:2574
Is it Allergy or Sinus or Hay Fever? How do I stop the drip?
You are sniffling, sneezing, dripping. Is it allergy or a cold?
If it’s Spring, you probably have an allergy.
Your best prevention is to remain on your yacht and avoid contact with sniffers, sneezers, coughers and blowers. ... Views:1632
A Message to People of Japan: How to Preserve Your Health
No one questions the terrible stress and anxiety of anyone in Japan today. We sympathize and want to help.
In stress, chemicals are released that elevate blood pressure, narrow blood vessels, and shunt glycogen from the brain. ... Views:984
Your Mind and the Cure:
Can your mind help you clear your chronic sinusitis? Yes. Can it help reduce the amount of antibiotic you take? Yes. But in order to mobilize your own body defenses, you must learn to engage your brain in healing your sinus condition.
Thirty Seven Million Sinus ... Views:1015
Stop allergy and sinus with “oooommmm._
Don’t you want to be one of the 175 million persons that don’t have sinus or allergy problems? Why is that your friends are free of dripping and hacking, but you are not? Why do you have to be one of the 37 million persons plagued with sinusitis? Is ... Views:1560
Stop allergy and sinus with “oooommmm._
Don’t you want to be one of the 175 million persons that don’t have sinus or allergy problems? Why is that your friends are free of dripping and hacking, but you are not? Why do you have to be one of the 37 million persons plagued with sinusitis? Is ... Views:1227
Every doctor has seen the patient come to the hospital in pain. Then the nurse administers the pain shot. But, BEFORE the medicine has a chance to act, the patient says the pain is gone. How did this happen?
When you read the package insert of the expensive medicine the doctor prescribed, ... Views:930
Every doctor has seen the patient come to the hospital in pain. Then the nurse administers the pain shot. But, BEFORE the medicine has a chance to act, the patient says the pain is gone. How did this happen?
When you read the package insert of the expensive medicine the doctor prescribed, ... Views:959
You want to have more energy and better health? What is the one single thing that can guarantee success? A mirror.
When you have stress:
When you have stress, you get a release of adrenalin and other chemicals. These chemicals have a major effect:
• Rapid Heart
• Elevated Blood ... Views:1326