This week I've been working with how much courage it takes, for those who are people-pleasers , to be authentic. It's a fact that you can't set a boundary to take care of yourself, and take care of the other person's feelings at the same time. For many, the prohibition against hurting someone ... Views:1578
The 12 Steps are a powerful process for creating transformation in body, mind, emotions and spirit. This simple, step by step method can result in miracles. (Simple not being synonymous with easy). There is hard work involved as well as courage needed to face the denial and self-delusion ... Views:2840
Healing Emotional Abuse and Covert Family Violence
Definition of Abuse: Anything less than nurturing is abuse.
As the description of one of Alice Miller’s foundational books states, 'Far too many of us had to learn as children to hide our own feelings, needs, and ... Views:1550
Practical Magic-How I Let the Law of Attraction Work for Me
“Keep ever in mind that each living person in all God’s Universe is a radiating center of the same perfect One, some radiating more and some less, according to the awakened consciousness of the individual” (Dr. H. Emilie Cady, Lessons ... Views:2022
Beyond Sobriety: The Work of Emotional Recovery:
Emotional Abuse: Anything less than nurturing is abuse.
The reasons for addiction are many, but the emotional charge that underlies the obsession and compulsion of such behaviors is remarkably ... Views:2383
I was addicted to food and couldn't control my eating and my weight. It had cost me my marriage, my health, my career showing horses and my self-esteem.
I felt ashamed and isolated, as I fought a losing battle with yo yo dieting and ultimately uncontollable weight-gain. I showed horses ... Views:1587