Most people blame their BODIES for unwanted physical conditions.
What if, contrary to popular beliefs, your ailment was warning you about a stress-caused imbalance in the afflicted area?
What if each condition was your body telling you exactly what emotions should be released to create ... Views:1360
While visiting the local zoo, my friend and I stopped at an exhibit that housed a rare wild pony. I remembered this equine soul from a zoo visit over 20 years earlier. The sign said “Rocky” was one of the oldest zoo residents.
When I'd seen him years ago, he’d trotted around the corral with a ... Views:1919
My acid reflux began in my twenties. I abhorred the sour regurgitation - gross and disgusting!
Now, forty years later, I know that when acid reflux occurs, my body is telling me I’ve got bitter emotions about control issues I cannot or will not digest.
I don’t reach for antacids ... Views:2371
Did you know that dry skin can be triggered by unexpressed non-beneficial emotions?
When a patch of dry skin appeared on the right side of my back, negative work-related emotions were the culprits.
I harbored fears that a pesky business project would never “get off my back”. I wished the ... Views:3526
Your skin is an emotional barometer of your mental well being, as well as your body's largest organ. It’s the boundary between you and the outside world, reflecting to yourself and others how you emotionally and mentally perceive your life.
Skin conditions, including acne, can be provoked by ... Views:1280
Most people blame their bodies for unwanted physical conditions, especially during or after emotionally challenging times.
What if, contrary to popular beliefs, your ailment was warning you about a stress-caused imbalance in the afflicted area? What if each condition was your body’s way of ... Views:1417
Imagine being alone all day, living in the same environment you've explored thousands of times. You have nothing to do except sleep and wait for your roommate to get home to feed and hopefully spend time with you. He’s been rather stressed out and crabby lately. Your quality time together has ... Views:2386
Been wondering if you made a smart decision to start your own business? Have you bought every recommended business book, e-book, video and audio set or invested in a business coach's mentoring program that cost thousands a month or a year?
You know what you should be doing to succeed, but ... Views:1592