The subject of child abuse has been around for many years, but for some reason only until the last few years has it been recognized as a real problem. Some forms of child abuse that lead to problems later in life are physical, emotional, verbal, incest, etc. When someone is abused as a young ... Views:2061
Advocacy Coach is a term that we have not heard much, but this is a very important role that someone plays in the life of the disability community. Before the laws few people acknowledged that there is a disability community. Today, we're still on the outskirts looking in.
People with ... Views:1798
Technology has brought about a change in how we look at employment today. Problem is colleges still tell students to look for jobs with corporations, that no longer exist. Those jobs went out with the BABY BOOMER Generation.
When employees went to work with Corporations back in the 50's, ... Views:1488
I came across this poem 10 years ago that I think is still appropriate today when you talk about people with disabilities and how well we are excepted into society.
People with physical and mental disabilities
hath been abandoned at birth,
banished from society
used as a court jesters,
drowned ... Views:3185