Joint ventures are the crème de la crème of effective business networking. If you’re looking to create momentum quickly and achieve big breakthroughs in 2009, joint venture marketing is a must-leverage strategy!
To get you set in the right direction, here are my Top 12 ... Views:1481
Recently I heard what has become my favourite business related quote…
“Marketing is the tax we pay for being ordinary” ~ author unknown.
It’s not the most motivating or inspiring quote around but it does hit the nail on the head in terms of the primary goal of marketing…and that is to draw ... Views:1545
Socrates was a Classical Greek philosopher, considered one of the founders of Western philosophy. Principally renowned for his contribution to the field of ethics, Socrates also lends his name to the concept of the Socratic Method, a style of teaching in which a series of questions are asked ... Views:1567