Think Confident, Be Confident
The doors of a successful life are always open for those people who glow with confidence. Respect becomes their identity. Their bosses and colleagues treat them with respect. Other people trust them and value their skills and opinion impulsively. They move ... Views:1451
Confidence is the key to everything you do. Like it or not, if you suffer from low self-esteem or confidence, chances are you will only count on luck to achieve what you set out to achieve. A confident person whether a sportsman, businessman, student etc, will prepare for a game, a deal, or an ... Views:1295
Each week, work out exactly what you want to accomplish and set goals. This will bring structure to your week and you'll have clarity and purpose about what your life is about. Include work, family, social and personal aspects and each time you achieve a goal, give yourself a little reward. The ... Views:1743
"An army of deer led by a lion is more powerful than an army of lions led by a deer". So I bet you are wondering, how can I be that lion? How can I have the confidence to finally become a leader? How can I exhume the confidence to achieve anything I set out to achieve? No matter who you are, ... Views:2524
1) The Sum of 5
It has been said that you are the sum of five people you spend most of your time with. In other words, your friends, family or relatives that you spend most of your time with defines your character. A positive group of friends will encourage and influence you. So choose your ... Views:1538