It is time for a Divine Unraveling...Simply push play, receive, and let go of what no longer serves you...
Listen to a recent trance meditation called The Divine Unraveling by clicking on this link To Play The Audio Message
A ... Views:1537
I come to you in love and a desire to walk in the ways of beauty. Human in form, I seek to be that which I came to be – the who that transcends the mind of man and is untouched by doubt or illusion. Who is it that speaks to and through me, giggling in wonderment of this breathtaking miracle? I ... Views:2005
Underlying every change you wish for is a layer that must be transformed yet is rarely addressed.
It is the root from which all else emerges…and the key to sustained transformation.
It has become a part of you, integrating itself in the subtleties and intricacies of who you have come to ... Views:1492
I am often asked why so many people experience less than desirable results in their manifestation practices. Recently, I received an email from a “passive” community member – meaning someone who follows what we are doing, listens to audios, reads articles, and on occasion emails comments, but ... Views:2297