"Positive Visualization"
What is Positive Visualization?
It can be summarized in this one statement;
"We were created in the image of our creator, therefore
we are creators."
Think about this statement very carefully.
Everything that you, or anyone else has done since the beginning ... Views:1191
The CEO and the Yellow Notepad...how it Changed Everything!
It was just a Yellow, Legal sized Notepad,
but it made this millionaire CEO's sales force
more productive, less stressed and
happier, at work and at home.
How could a simple yellow notepad have such power?
Here is the story:
The ... Views:2081
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?
Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined by ... Views:3517
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?
Let me ask you a question. When is the last time you made a conscious decision to add a new habit to your life? If you are like most people you probably answered...never!
The reason for this is that most ... Views:3693