Have you ever noticed that in many of your relationships that one person seems to have all the power while the other one is in the hunt to stay in the game? If you find yourself in relationships like this you will continue to attract them until you change your patterns. Many of us are ... Views:5187
Are you in a relationship with someone who drives you crazy? Are you in a relationship with someone who no matter how well you point out the facts of their irresponsibility or immaturity they find some way to justify and rationalize all they do? Do you leave conversations with these people ... Views:9725
Why is it that so many of us put ourselves second? Why is it that we often sacrifice what is good for us to make someone else happy, and why is it such a difficult transition to start putting ourselves first? I see this issue not only every day in my office but also at times in my own life. Of ... Views:1438
Dealing with divorce is never easy. In fact it is probably amongst the most stressful and grueling experiences one can go through. When we get married we start off with a tremendous amount of hope and expectation. Intellectually we know it will take work but it is truly impossible to really ... Views:5837