Ever tried a key in a lock and found it wouldn't open? What did you do? Did you continue to force the key, twisting and turning, praying the planets would align and the lock would magically open? Chances are you tried a bunch of different keys until you found the one that worked, am I right? ... Views:1610
Your life is a result of your decisions and your choices. In life, while you are not always able to control what happens on the outside, you can always choose how you want to respond & what you want to experience. How you respond and what you experience is largely dependent on what meaning you ... Views:3888
Does the idea of a change in your life or career send you running for the hills? Do you get nervous; feel unsettled or anxious about change? Would you prefer that things just stay the same?
Well you are not alone. Millions of people feel the same way you do.
Why is Change so Difficult to ... Views:3146
Self-esteem is essential for psychological survival. It is an emotional sine qua non- without some measure of self-worth, life can be enormously painful, with many basic needs going unmet.
One of the main factors differentiating humans from other animals is the awareness of self: the ability ... Views:2705
“Stress is the number one cause of death and disease in America”
Your body has a natural response to threats. If something dangerous is happening, your body will produce a chemical reaction to let you know that you need to run away or quickly react - the “fight or flight” response.
A long time ... Views:1458
Once upon a time I was so depressed and so convinced my life was going nowhere that I quit my job and lay helpless in bed for three weeks feeling sorry for myself. What I was unable to realize at the time was that my depression was largely a result of my ‘stinkin thinkin’. My mind was a ... Views:1850