Have you ever heard of "conduct disorder"? Well, in case you haven't, you might like to know that it's one of more than 120 disorders listed at depression-guide.com.
If you are anxious, shy, or not focused, these are also disorders. Just about every emotion is today considered by the ... Views:3964
Over 900 years ago, a woman who was incredibly advanced for her time understood that what causes us to overindulge in food, put harmful substances in our bodies, and treat each other in a less than caring manner is a refusal to embrace the whole of life as a pleasurable experience.
This woman's ... Views:2180
You’ve heard that “curiosity killed the cat,” and for cats that may be true. But for human beings, curiosity can be a powerful enhancer of life’s enjoyment, comfort, and fulfillment. It’s a key to discovering our limitless potential.
At times curiosity utterly revolutionizes our lives in the ... Views:1906
It may surprise you to hear that even a person who ends their life is, in a strange way, seeking to preserve themselves. Not their physical existence, of course, but what they have left of their mental wellbeing. As an act of self-preservation in terms of their mental state, they end their life. ... Views:1964
If you've been keeping up with the news, you know that the issue of women's roles is a hot potato right now on two fronts: political, and religious.
I want to comment on the current furor from a neurological viewpoint. I believe it's crucial for the future of our world that we acknowledge ... Views:2561
Any invasive chemical – anything at all – supplements, medications, injections of anything, and even foods – can be an antagonist to brain patterns. My hypothesis is that any of these chemicals, if done for a sufficiently long time or if their toxicity is sufficiently potent, may disrupt brain ... Views:2697
Today’s FDA report that flibanserin, the “female Viagra,” doesn’t work comes as no surprise to anyone who understands the differences in the male and female brains.
In a race to grab an estimated $2 billion market, pharmaceutical researchers are relying on traditional techniques to find the ... Views:3050
As a friend of mine is given to say, "none of us gets out of this life alive." Top of mind today are the soldiers and others who are valiantly fighting for our freedom. They have chosen an endeavor where danger, crisis and trauma surround them. But in life – as in war – there are no unwounded ... Views:4334
Scientists are literally salivating over this week’s near-discovery of the so-called “God Particle” at the CERN Hadron Collider in Switzerland. Though the reasons for the search for this particle are inordinately complex, if the hints of the particles so far discerned are confirmed, it will ... Views:3530
If you think not sleeping well is just one of those discomforts you have to put up with as a side effect of aging, you'll be surprised to hear that new research conducted by the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania turns this conventional wisdom on its ... Views:2697
We have become a society that relies a great deal on prescription medications. For instance, we use
antidepressants to change our mood. But although we rely on them heavily, antidepressants don’t work at all.
Even when they do seem to help, they often lose their effectiveness over the course ... Views:2751
Can trauma pass from one generation to the next?
We must return and claim our past in order to move toward the future. It is in understanding who we were that will free us to embrace who we are now.
—The meaning of Sankofa
Tamra Olsen-Harris has her mother’s eyes, her father’s smile, her ... Views:2457
Two men arrested early Easter Sunday just north of Tulsa, Oklahoma, were charged Monday with a shooting spree that left three black males dead and two wounded.
The shooting wasn't a kneejerk reaction to a provocative situation. As a local pastor, Rev Warren Blakney, told CNN, "For a white ... Views:2552
How often have you heard someone say, "I don't look forward to getting old"? Perhaps you've even said it yourself.
Given that we're all going to age, what's the worst part of growing older?
None of us likes the thought of having our skin wrinkle and gradually become thin. Neither do we ... Views:2392
Every single year, some 1.7 million Americans suffer traumatic brain injury, whether in a fall, an automobile accident, by bumping into something, or being hit by an object or in an assault.
A report from government figures by Stephanie Nano of the Associated Press, which appeared February ... Views:2383
Brain balance, or in this case –lack of brain balance – lost the game. Did you know that nearly every Gold Medalist in the Olympics wins by a mere fraction of a second? Brain balance is the key to winning or losing in almost every contest and academic, business and creative encounter that we ... Views:2393