You all know how important it is to set goals, to stay focused and to overcome procrastination to reach success. What if you do all this like you should, you have written your goals down, you work on them every day, and still nothing happens? How is this possible? Did you have a close look at ... Views:1966
If you really want something, you will get it!
It’s true: desire is a powerful force that can’t easily be stopped.
Think about your goal, about what you want to achieve in life, and ask yourself the following questions:
Ø Do you really want to reach your goal?
Ø Do you ... Views:1361
As everyone who’s on the path of spiritual growth knows, from time to time you will be tested to see if you are really serious about your spiritual journey and if your resolve is strong enough to give you more and more gifts from above. So, will life be just smooth sailing on calm seas? No, ... Views:1420
The perfect day of your life, how would it look like? How far away do you think you are from this perfect day? What can you do to make this perfect day reality? Let’s find out by doing the following exercice!
The right side of your brain has retained the image of that you came here to do on ... Views:1754
Your life may seem difficult, heavy and meaningless. But at some point in your life, like everybody, you too have got moments where you were so close to your real you, that you thought you were in heaven. You were so perfectly aligned with yourself and your mission on earth that you felt the ... Views:1243
In this article I invite you to un-cover the positive abilities that are hidden behind your weak points and to gain mastery over your assets.
Take a few moments to reflect upon yourself. What are your strong points, your assets? What do people see from you? What are you known for? Make a list ... Views:1185
Everything you need to live according to your true nature and to fulfill your mission on earth is already available to you, in the form of your talents.
Talents are like gifts that you received when you were born. They are to be found within yourself. Some of them have been developed already, ... Views:7285
We’ve all come to earth with a unique mission. This is a special assignment. How can you find it?
Your mission can be found inside yourself. It has been “imprinted” in your soul long before you were born. You can find clues about your mission by looking to your natural interests. Your mission ... Views:1349
If you haven’t decided yet what your mission is and what it is you want to realize in this life, then you are wasting time and energy on all kinds of trivialities keeping you from what it is you really came here for.
When there is no goal to strive for, when you don’t have an overview of your ... Views:1424
Enthusiasm is the highest level of life energy we can experience as human beings here on earth. Some may say ecstasy is even higher still, but others might counter that ecstasy is not readily available to every mortal on this planet, while enthusiasm can be felt by anyone who discovers his ... Views:1580
First let me explain what I mean by “emotional terrorism.”
When you have a relationship, at home or at work, with a person who’s constantly humiliating you, harassing you, pressuring on you, taking pleasure in your pain, saying negative things about you or making you feel worthless, then you ... Views:11158