A lot of business is about efficiency. Wasted products, time and money can all contribute to the downfall of what could otherwise be a growing company, and this is not just applicable to start-up businesses. In fact, as a company grows in size this issue can often become paramount to the continued success of said company. It is also not simply down to squeezing every last drop of energy out of your employees – it also involves making smart decisions and taking measures to consciously improve the efficiency of the company. So how do you go about doing so?
According to algo-affiliates.org a cryptocurrency management company , deadlines must be hit not only so that you can build your reputation as a company that always delivers, but also because of what could be described as a domino effect. As soon as a project runs over time it not only means that you are late on that particular project but also dictates that you will have less time to work on the following project and therefore that project's timelines will extend thus extending the timeframes of the following project, and so on and so on. Not meeting deadlines is a dangerous habit to get into and it is the responsibility of managers to make sure that not only do teams hit these deadlines but that the deadlines are realistic. There is very little point setting unrealistic deadlines with full knowledge that they will not be met. This simply results in the domino effect and angry clients.
Surveys are crucial in understanding the mindset of both employees, clients, partners and potential customers. Assumption is often the route cause of failure so leave nothing to chance. It may involve an anonymous employee survey to understand what motivates our employees or a customer satisfaction survey to understand where your processes can be improved whether that be in delivery or simply in client management and communication. All of this information will contribute to streamlined processes, less wasted time and happier clients. If this information is assumed it is very easy to carry on with operations as 'normal'; oblivious to shortcomings and mistakes that may well be being made on a daily basis. Surveys are easier than ever to conduct. There are multiple companies that offer a service of online surveys which can be easily customised and sent out in an email shot to the designated parties. The data can then be collaborated on the cloud, assessed at meetings and any key decisions can then be made with informative data rather than a 'finger in the air' technique!
Cutting down on overheads is a quick way to increase efficiency in a monetary sense. Unnecessary expenditure on company cards can quickly add up, and possibly filter down to become part of the company culture, thus exponentially increasing the problem. For instance, some major oil companies have a company policy of travelling economy class rather than business class despite having the disposable funds to warrant such expenditure, even the CEO of one particular oil company abides to this rule. As such, their travel expenses are drastically reduced helping their bottom line.
Efficiency gains can be made everywhere. Obviously, there is a limit to some of the gains and not reducing costs to the point where employees feel they are living in some spartan dictatorship is also important. However, keeping a close eye on the figures and taking steps to increasing efficiency no matter small is a step in the right direction.
Narendra Sharma is a Freelancer Writer, Entrepreneur and passionate blogger. A writer by day and a reader by night.