A Quick Preamble:

Hippocrates definitely got it right when he said:

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine And Let Medicine Be Thy Food”

BUT – i know for a fact that in our modern, mass-produced-food and consumables world, it isn’t always that easy to source top-notch, organic or free-range foods…not to mention the fact that although these types of food are gaining popularity and becoming easier to find on our super-market shelves, they can still be a whole lot more expensive…

…so it’s perfectly understandable that you may not be changing from your current food choices – they’re familiar, easy to get and the cost is right for your pocket…right..?

Cutting To The Chase:

So, failing the ability to constantly/daily source top quality “Super-Foods”, like:

• Kale

• ANY and ALL high quality, fresh green veg’

• Lean, free-range meats

• Free-range eggs

• High quality fresh fish

…what about some good quality natural supplements..as an addition to your diet ..?

I personally use several different supplements – because i currently live in a country and an area where it’s pretty difficult to get top quality (or often even ‘low’-quality) “organic” and “free-range” foods, so i make up for it by adding supplements to my daily regime, which, strange as it may seem, are in fact a lot easier for me to source.

This means i still get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients that my body requires and i definitely recommend them to you.

Along with a few other things, I use a probiotic, CoQ 10 and an organic “Green” powder that contains Spirulina, Wheat Grass and at least 7 Sea Vegetables, among other things…i have to tell ya though, this “Green” powder tastes awful, but hey, it’s reasonably priced, goes a long way and supplements what i should be getting veggie-wise – and i mix it with a whey-protein shake after my work-out so it doesn’t taste quite so gross.

Man, the things we have to do for our good health..!

Even with a diet full of variety and because of the way that the bulk of our modern day food is processed, unless you carefully itemise each food item you eat for vitamin andmineral content, you just can’t be sure that you’re getting exactly what you need for proper physical and mental health and wellness .

This in turn means that all the vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients your body needs are pretty much lacking in some way or another, in the foods you’re consuming..!

You also need to realise that for your body to absorb some of the essential vitamins or nutrients, you’ll actually need to consume others to effect proper absorption… an example of this would be vitamin E…this particular nutrient is best absorbed when it is taken with selenium and vitamin C.

OK that’s getting a little technical now, but the basics are that most reputable/knowledgeable health professionals these days will recommend you take a supplement to ensure that you’re meeting all your dietary needs.

That brings us neatly to an important sub-topic:

Are natural supplements the better way to go, as opposed to synthetic..?

Well, research shows that it’s the vitamins and minerals inside the supplement that are important, not so much the amount of added fillers or substances meant to help you digest it or make it more palatable.

But on the either hand, other researchers believe that adding more unnatural substances to your body when you’re taking the supplements to promote health is just foolish…and i must say, i personally agree with that sentiment – natural is natural is natural…right..?

There are of course scientists who say that certain synthetic vitamins and minerals are more effective than their natural counterparts…hmm, maybe…?!?

A case in point would be the farmer in New Zealand who was nearing death as he had all sorts of health ailments, such as Leukemia, failing kidneys and then swine flu just to top it all off…damn…poor guy..!

Well, this guy was given a daily dose of 100,000 mg of Vitamin C – the synthetic type, and he actually became better…would it have mattered if it was synthetic or natural – honestly, nobody can say, the question still remains unanswered…

…then again, it’s proven that taking synthetic vitamin E is less effective than a natural supplement because the body cannot efficiently digest and absorb the synthetic type.

Basically, you need to make your own choice, however, i do advise you check the contents list on the supplements you purchase – you may be in for a nasty surprise with some of the standard off-the-shelf kinds.

Watch out for:

* The amount of unnatural ingredients in synthetic supplements

As we’ve discussed in the past, the more unnatural substances you put in your body, the more you risk the side effects that go along with them…Your liver has to work harder to remove the toxins, and some of them can seriously upset your digestive system.

Hey, i’ve checked vitamins only to find they contained sugar – and not just one type of sugar, but 2 or 3 types…that’s just plain poison..!

It may not seem so important – BUT – if you’re diabetic or have any form of sugar issues, you may be unknowingly putting your body at even more risk.

* Supplement Standardisation

It is improving but the truth is, right now there are very few regulations in place when it comes to labeling supplement packages…this means that the best thing you can do is read the actual ingredients list…only when you take the time to actually check what is in your vitamins will you be making a well-informed decision, as opposed to relying on the manufacturers’ flashy packaging.

A Final Anecdote:

It’s a sign of our times that supplements are now pretty much an integrally important part of most peoples’ diets all over the world, ‘tho I suppose the question still remains: Is it better to go natural rather than synthetic..?

Perhaps the most important thing to ask yourself is not whether you should go with natural, but instead, why you shouldn’t..?

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Author's Bio: 

We're all about "Natural Health & Wellness for the mind, the body and the soul...

...and If you feel the need for some gentle and truthful guidance for varying ailments and problems, you could do a lot worse than check us out and what we have to say at: http://www.SelfHelpSniper.com and http://www.NaturalHealthSniper.com

Live Naturally Healthy, Live Long...

My Very Kindest Regards

Peter EC Kirwan