When you are channeling , you establish a two way communication with something bigger than you. You may call this energy Higher Power, Creator, God or you may use another name. I am going to use the term Universe for that which is greater than us.
Channeling is not limited to psychic readers or mediums. Anyone can establish a communication with the spiritual realms with effort and training. When you are in a relationship with someone, you communicate with them. They communicate back to you. The communication is two way. When you pray, you are communicating with the Universe. Usually you are asking for something when you pray.
You wait for a response. If the item you prayed for does not materialize quickly, you may feel your prayer failed. However, the Universe always responds. The problem is not that the Universe does not communicate; the problem is you may not get the message.
Maybe the answer was not what you wanted. Maybe the answer was NO. Maybe you were not ready to receive what you prayed for. Maybe you were not even listening for the answer.
Channeling is a two way communication. It occurs when you listen to or receive messages from the Universe. Most people do not have a communication problem when they make a request from the Universe. They have a listening problem. How can you learn how to listen when the Universe speaks to you?
There are many ways to receive messages from the Universe. Please check my web site www.thesecretofselfhealing.com for more information on ways to channel.
My purpose for this web site is to share what I have learned with you. I am sharing what has worked for me. As you explore these pages, hopefully you will find what you need. You may start to remember some of your own internal wisdom. And as you remember and practice this wisdom, your life will improve.
This is the Secret of Self Healing. http://www.thesecretofselfhealing.com/
Additional Resources on Channeling can be found at:
Website Directory for Channeling
Articles on Channeling
Products for Channeling
Discussion Board
Nancy Taylor, the Official Guide to Channeling