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If you are a business owner, sales professional or rainmaker in your firm, I hope by now you have a LinkedIn account and a basic profile set up. However, if that’s about all you have, then chances are that you’re not really attracting a steady flow of new clients on LinkedIn.

In fact, if you’re not generating at least 6 figures in new business from LinkedIn, you need to learn the inside strategies on how to play the LinkedIn game. See, once you learn these strategies, tips and techniques, the game of LinkedIn becomes a lot of FUN!

Imagine that. Imagine 15-30 minutes a day having FUN marketing your business on Linkedin. Let me tell you what makes it more fun:

- It’s so much more fun when you’re helping more people.

- It’s so much more fun when you’re paid twice as much this year as you were last year for simply delivering your expertise!

- It’s a whole lot more fun when your prospects are chasing you to have the opportunity to work with you, rather than you chasing your prospects.

- Marketing becomes more fun when you see immediate wins from what you’re learning to do differently on LinkedIn.

I love Robert Cooper’s book: Get Out of Your Own Way! I hear so many business owners admit their awareness that they get in their own way.

What is it that is getting in your way?
What I find gets in the way of many struggling small business owners is simply:
- not learning and
- not investing in themselves to learn
So, is that all that’s standing in your way between the results you’re getting today on Linkedin and the 6 figure results you could be getting from LinkedIn? If you want to STOP getting in your own way, I invite you to take the 1st step in learning a different way to leverage LinkedIn, so you can attract MORE clients this year, and perhaps even 6 figures in new business this year.

If you missed my past “How to Generate 6 Figures on LinkedIn” webinars … lucky for you I am sending you the links to the recording. Each clip is only 8-10 min. Why not devote just 10 minutes right now to learn how LinkedIn can do for you what it has done for me?

LinkedIn alone generates 6 figures in new business for my solo practice . And, for some of my clients I’ve trained, they have been able to implement my strategies and turn that into 7 figures in new sales!

Once you watch the video clips I would love to read your feedback, so please do share your comments right on each YouTube video. And, if you found the content valuable I invite you to

* Click LIKE on each video
* Share this free valuable training with your business network.
How to Attract Clients on Linkedin with Yoon Cannon

Video 1 of 7: http://youtu.be/Vf7L1AfMV_o

Video 2 of 7: http://youtu.be/Y76TfhOhrLk

Video 3 of 7: http://youtu.be/9A6lGrtzshw

Video 4 of 7: http://youtu.be/nAGnH971eWc

Video 5 of 7: http://youtu.be/Q2REQ_WYKi8

Video 6 of 7: http://youtu.be/YCTnZjv35Xs

Video 7 of 7: http://youtu.be/TccG9DapaPs

Also check them at: http://www.paramountbusinesscoach.com

I encourage you to get out of your own way. Don’t let lack of learning stand in the way of the tremendous level of success that is possible for you!

Here’s to your success!

Author's Bio: 

Business Growth Expert, Yoon Cannon has helped hundreds of CEO’s, Entrepreneurs & small business owners gain dramatic results in your sales, marketing & strategic planning. Yoon’s mission is to encourage, equip and empower Entrepreneurs, so you can accelerate explosive business growth!

Having started, built (and sold) 3 other companies, Yoon offers a fresh, outside perspective from a seasoned entrepreneur. Yoon’s clients represent B2B, Direct Sales industry, Family-Run Businesses, Franchises, Healthcare/BioTech, Law Firms, Manufacturing & Small Business Owners.

Yoon Cannon has been published in The Philadelphia Business Journal, JP Morgan Chase Ink Magazine, ASI’s Counselor magazine, W4 magazine and many others. Yoon is also a frequent guest expert on radio show programs throughout the US. Yoon Cannon continues to be in demand as the featured speaker for many corporate and industry Association conference events.

For receive Yoon’s free 80 min. video training on How to Find Your WOW Factor just click LIKE at http://www.Facebook.com/YoonCannonParamountBusinessCoach To speak to Yoon direct call (215) 292-4947 EST.