The Law of Attraction works. A Positive Affirmation or your life purpose statement is your first step in working with The Law of Attraction . But, I think at different stages, most of us have to look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, What is it about me that is holding me back from having everything I desire? What am I afraid of? Failure, success, both, and so what? What is the worst that can happen? That your wishes come true? Well guess what, that is exactly what happens. The Law of Attraction , or LOA as I call it, operates as ‘wherever our attention goes, we set our intention.’

The Universe responds according to your focus. So if your focus is on lack, than you get more lack, but if your focus is on abundance , you get more abundance . The Universe is neutral; it doesn’t have a hidden agenda, and it isn’t on your side or against you. It supplies what you ask for. So how do you start to ask and really get what your heart’s desire?

My first recommendation is to find a coach; a life coach, spiritual coach, or someone who will gently guide you past your pain and to help you find love for yourself. Your coach will guide you through processes helping you discover who you really are and why YOU are so important to this world. I have personally worked with two fantastic coaches, who have helped me so much in my own healing. The good news is, in this era of global contact you don’t even have to live close by any longer. Many of my sessions have been done long distance.

The first step a coach may do is to help you with ‘going within’ to get real with yourself about what you want, why you want it. ‘Going within’ means that you look at your thoughts and emotions that make you do what you do. You will discover the blocks inside you that stop your desires from manifesting.

After devastating heartbreak and self-loathing, I took an eight-week LOA course with a coach that changed my life. I became very clear about what I want to create for myself and knowing that I deserve it. My coach helped me come up with a personal statement or you could call it my life’s purpose statement: “I am creating the space to allow my heart and soul to soar. And showing others how to follow and embrace their dream.”

The process goes something like this. Ask yourself the question, “What do I like about myself?” Write down anything you can think of. For example some of mine were, “I like that I am a visual artist”; “I like my photography and how I put things together to create art”; “I like that I think outside of the box”… etc.. etc. You see what I mean? Do not hold back, write everything you can think of.

Now, the next thing to do is to ask yourself is this, “Wouldn’t it be nice if….” And, finish that statement. If you could do anything or have anything in your life and you didn’t have to worry about the ‘how’s’, what would that answer be? Well, mine is, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could create a blog about photography and LOA, where I could be creative, and see myself filled with abundance and helping others. That I could do what I love to do, and share it with the world.”

Try it out to see what you can come up with; you might be surprised. Your life will change if you are serious about living out your dreams, and to seeing your Positive Affirmation and Life Purpose manifest.

Author's Bio: 

Melisa Caprio

Photographer and Artist

Creator, Postcards to the Universe™

Melisa Caprio, the eldest of three young women, was born in New Jersey. When Melisa turned eleven, she moved with her family to South Florida. Melisa graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor in Fine Arts. Originally majoring in Journalism, she took a photography class and discovered her true passion.

After graduation, Melisa traveled and photographed in Europe for a few months. On returning to South Florida, she and a fellow photographer collaborated, opening a photography gallery in Hollywood, Florida, showing her European travel photography. They specialized in exhibiting their own and others’ photography; having juried exhibitions featuring local artist for openings to market their work. Melisa and her partner owned and managed the gallery for two years, closing it to concentrate on developing their individual photography expertise.

While focusing her photography on documenting one of her younger sisters with special needs, she was asked to become the staff photographer of Dolphin Human Therapy in Key Largo, Florida. At Dolphin Human Therapy, the focus of the program was to use dolphins as a motivator to help children with developmental challenges. The program was a huge success, and Melisa stayed with the company for seven years photographing the children’s interactions with the dolphins five days a week. She amassed thousands of images during that time. That work has been widely published portraying that population.

In her last year there, many things conspired in Melisa’s life to change her course. Dolphin Human Therapy closed its doors and moved out of the country. She and her husband divorced, and Melisa lost her home. After going through a difficult period of grieving and loss, Melisa started taking courses in life-coaching, spirituality and healing. During that time, she discovered the Law of Attraction, and realized how she attracted everything that came into her life, both the good and bad.

Inspired by her new awareness, her website, blog, and book, Postcards to the Universe™, was born. Postcards to the Universe is an artistic creation–using photography, affirmations, Law of Attraction, and finally, the power of manifestation. Melisa is using her photography images to create postcards; those postcards will be used for anyone who wants to create and manifest their affirmations by writing their affirmation on the back of the postcard. Melisa will take the affirmation the person writes on the postcard and ask them to send it to her. By sending the postcard, the sender is declaring and requesting the manifestation of their affirmation from the universe. Then, in return, the universe will respond in kind— this is how the Law of Attraction works. Melisa will photograph that postcard and affirmation in the person’s own words. If the postcard is chosen, it will be featured on her blog and in her book, Postcards to the Universe™. She will then follow-up and feature how they manifested their desires using Law of Attraction.

This is book one in a series that will continue to grow as an artistic venture using photography, art and the Law of Attraction—connecting all people as they see how dreams and desires are possible for everyone.

A portion of the proceeds will go to Rainbow Guardian, Inc., a non-profit organization, which serves the intellectually challenged and developmentally disabled population, including autism. This is a family operated foundation, which Melisa has been involved with its development, since it began in 1995.

Melisa lives in Davie, Florida. She enjoys traveling part of the year, pursuing her passion with photography. She spends much of her quality time with her family, or kicking back with a good book.