Want to sell a meditation CD? Here's what you need to know:
First record it.This is the piece that trips people up the first. Recording it on a professional mic is best. You MUST lay down some background music to fill the empty spaces.If you don't have access to a sound studio,Have someone read your bio as an introduction, (but don't let it sound like reading), or get one of your fans to rave about you.
Get fabulous design work for the disk and jewel case.People DO judge a product by its cover.
Produce it:the web is full of companies that will duplicate and ship your CDs directly to your customers for next to nothing.
The most challenging piece is the marketing.While it's tempting to offer a free MP3 sample of your work, always keep in mind that it's a sales tool. Don't give away so much value that they feel "full" and move on without taking action.
Make your customers affiliates.They can sell your CD as a take-home to their friends and clients (major added benefit) AND profit from selling for you.
Let's get to selling: establish yourself as an expert.
1) Come up with ad copy and BULLET POINTS that define the BENEFITS of this meditation .
2) Start doing joint ventures with other people who would like to have you as a guest on their teleclass.
3) Post testimonials EVERYWHERE.
4) Build a funnel: what are you already offering for free? (And don't you dare tell me you coach for free!)
5) Learn how to sell for the benefit of your clients, customers, and website visitors.
Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker, and regarded as the world's top Relationship with Money coach. Morgana guides entrepreneurs to attract more than they chase, market creatively and inexpensively, and RADICALLY change their relationship with Money!
Grab your FREE MONEY MAGNET mp3 at www.abundanceandprosperity.com .
If you wish to reprint this article for your blog, you MUST include this bio and a link back to www.abundanceandprosperity.com