Definition of virtue: a. Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness. b. An example or kind of moral excellence: the virtue of patience

Ahhh! To have such virtue! So much uprising and chaos in the world lately seems to have smothered the idea of the virtuous. One of the most valuable “lessons” I have learned in my lifetime is the idea of visualizing what it is that I want to become or to manifest in my life. Visualizing your goals, dreams , and heart’s desires is the same thing as praying for them. During the process of visualizing events for your life, please consider visualizing the true value of your virtue.

If you a person who chooses to experience living from the “grandest version of the greatest vision you have ever held about yourself”, you will know that your “soul purpose” is to walk in the path of morality and goodness. The virtue of righteous is about walking what you talk and meaning what you say. The virtue of patience isabout remembering that others are just like you: they make mistakes, they want to be praised for what they do correctly, and they want someone to be calm and patient when they are learning something new, the same as you.

Being patient includes putting yourself in the shoes of another, treating others the way you want to be treated. Who are we to put ourselves above others, believing that they don’t deserve patience, acceptance, and love just like we think we “should” get from others?

Two more important truths to ponder are these: first of all, nobody “deserves” anything. All the “things” we think we deserve are truly just gifts and blessings that everyone has the innate right to have – gifts like love, acceptance, patience, kindness, equality, etc. And secondly, don’t “should” on yourself or others, my friends! “Shoulds” are restrictive and controlling – they are based on the expectations or desires others have for you. They limit your freedom experience being who you are, just exactly the way you are. “Shoulds” are of no benefit to anyone.

When you strive to consistently visualize your innate greatness, your virtue, your worth, your purpose, your value as a human being - you have a much greater chance of being completely whole – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and you can’t ask for more than that. Walk in empowerment , because that’s Who You Are!

Author's Bio: 

Lene' has 30+ years of life experience in the Self-Realization field. From becoming a Peer Counselor as a High School Senior to staffing an experiential self-knowledge seminar in Phoenix, called Omega Vector. She has worked as a speaker/facilitator for support groups (Al-Anon, CoDa, Parents Anonymous and Women Who Love Too Much), sharing relationship techniques with others as well as helping them find ways to build higher self-esteem and empowerment.

Lene' wrote a book in 2001, which is now self-published, called Reality in Disguise. It speaks of the strength of the human spirit and is based on her life. She just completed a second book and third book, which will be published soon online as an ebook. They are about the "rememberings"/awarenesses of who she truly is and the lessons she has learned through her journey in this life.

She is a freelance writer, motivational speaker, peer counselor and student of the higher consciousness movement.

Her goal and desire here is to reach out and help or share with anyone that needs a listening ear or a bit of guidance. If the need is just for someone who can empathize and understand where they're coming from, she can do that, too!

Thank you, bless you and may your deepest dreams and most positive goals manifest themselves in your life! You create your universe with your thoughts, so let the manifesting begin!