I would also like to share this story with you. Whilst emailing talk shows I sent an email to a particular lady host. It was strange as it took me some time to find her email address, but something told me to keep looking. Once found I emailed her. Within ten minutes I received an urgent reply, and the response was something I could never have hoped or dreamed of. It seems that her son had tried to kill himself the previous week. After a few emails back and forth I rang her on her direct line in New York. She told me that morning she felt she could no longer go on and that my email had arrived just at the point she was ready to give up. It gladdened my heart to think that my book even in its condensed form was still able to reach out to someone in dire need. The message she received is that no matter how hard it gets, as I always say, there is light at the end of the tunnel you just need to reach out for it. That deep inside of you can find the strength you need, or a hand to hold to walk you towards it. I have emailed her a PDF file of my book and hope this will help her further.
BioTeresa Joyce was born on the 15th December 1958 the middle child of three. After losing her father at a very young age; this was to set the pattern for the rest of her life. Losing was something she would have to get used to. Today she still has some memory of her father, but in truth it’s all a little hazy. Her mother through no fault of her own after that loss had no other alternative, other than to return to her parent’s home with her children in tow. This family unit were to spend only a few years there, until the wind of change came around once more. Happy memories are something that Teresa holds in very short supply. Her mother was set to meet the man that was to become her stepfather, and they moved once more to a new city with the promise of a new life. Hopefully it would be a happy one for all concerned, but it became a place for Teresa that felt far more like a prison. One in which she would spend many years months days and hours hating. She swore to herself that she would leave all this behind at the first possible occasion.