There are millions of scholarship dollars available for prospective college students. The problem is trying to figure out where they are and how to apply. There are websites all over the net that are happy to assist you with this process for a fee. Stop there. You want to find scholarship monies that do not have to be paid back and are granted to you without any finder fees. If you are prepared to spend some time researching scholarships and some effort in completing the application, you can find a gold mine of available scholarship opportunities. It is possible to earn large scholarships even if your family finances do not indicate financial need. So never discount the potential for scholarship monies. Having gone through the scholarship search with my own four as well as having participated on numerous scholarship review committees, I know firsthand that there are a tremendous amounts of scholarship opportunities. You just need some tenacity and perseverance in searching the right ones for you.
Rather than do a random search on the Internet, try good old-fashioned personal networking . Look locally first. The first stop in your search should be your own high school guidance office. They may have applications right in the office or at least have a list of local organizations that are offering college scholarships. Organizations from the Chamber of Commerce to the Lions or Rotary Clubs are usual sources for scholarships. Check the local newspapers too. Most clubs or businesses offering scholarships will publicize them in the paper. Many time the booster clubs for your sport or extracurricular activity will offer their own scholarship each year.
Check with your church. There may be endowed scholarships founded in memory of a deceased parishioner by their family members. Ask the clergy or youth minister for their insights. They may know of scholarships available from the diocese or fraternal religious groups such the Knights of Columbus. If you belong to your parish youth group, there may be scholarship available to the members. Although the amounts of local scholarships may be smaller, your chances of being awarded scholarship monies from within a smaller local pool of candidates may be greater. Always keep in mind that each and every dollar you get through scholarships reduces any other types of financial aid that may be needed.
Other sources of scholarship monies can be found through the national offices of local groups that you belong to, such as Boy and Girl Scouts. Check their specific websites or call the local regional headquarters. Also try putting a search term into the Internet that pairs your favorite activity and the word scholarship. For example, search "creative writing scholarships" or " cheerleading scholarships". You may be pleasantly surprised by the number of scholarship descriptions that pop up. You will have to sort through them, but you will find a wealth of opportunities. Don’t forget to check the Human Resources department of your parent’s employers to see if there are any scholarship possibilities available there for the children of employees.
Finally, personally contact the financial aid departments at the schools to which you have applied. The financial aid officer may be able to give you a list of special scholarship programs that are focused towards different areas of student life. You may find scholarships that are geared towards community service, leadership, club sports, music and theater. If you are accepted, some schools may send you a list, but always be proactive and search them out yourself. Successfully completing the applications require time and in order to make yourself as desirable as possible, you don’t want to rush through the process. Successfully completing scholarship applications is the most critical part of the process. For some great information on completing scholarship applications check the Celebrate College section of Celebration Ideas Online.
Carol is a married mom of 4 who works full-time as an account executive. She has been active with the kids and all their activities over the years. She served as a PTA President as well as President of numerous school booster club and sat on various school advisory boards. Her favorite hobby now that the kids are all on their own or off to college is her web site: Celebration Ideas Online . The site began as an album journaling their own family celebrations and has since developed into a resource center for families everywhere. There are ideas to celebrate just about anything from college admissions, school spirit and special occasions to planning a wedding and holiday fun!