Discovering my life purpose has sometimes been an enigma to me. I believe without doubt that I have a spiritual destiny, a unique life purpose, a singular quest, that only I can fulfill.

Likewise with you. You have a unique spiritual destiny and life purpose too, and today is the day to stride forward in huge leaps and bounds into the fulfillment of that destiny. You were born with a purpose, a unique and important mission. Don’t delay living your destiny. Don’t put this off any longer. Discover what your mission is.

Begin today to live your purpose, live your passionate dream, be authentic and the very best you can be in order to fulfill your purpose to the full. How can we do this?Can we make a difference in this world?

When I start my day with a prayer of love, an attitude of expectant hope, with trust that love and joy will increase in the world today because of how I think, of what I say or write or share, then I am fulfilling my purpose.

Likewise when you do what you know you are supposed to do in the great game of life, your unique life. When you rise to the challenge of each day, becoming more aware, more spiritually powerful and loving as day follows day, you become more aware that your life is of the utmost significance in the bigger scheme of our evolution and destiny.

Can each of us change the world in one lifetime?Probably not.

Can we fulfill our contract for this life?Absolutely.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Forget yesterday. You have something to give that no-one, ever, in the history of mankind, has ever offered the rest of us. Your personal gift can only be given by you. Your personality, your insights, your singular perspective, love energy and beauty make your life and purpose your unique gift to humanity.

Be the very best, the most loving and powerful person you were born to be. Let your light shine for all to see. Be a beacon in the dark, guiding other ships to a safe port.

It’s up to you.Just do it, for yourself and for the rest of us who need you.

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