Your Internet marketing strategies needs a complete overhaul and a renovation with the emergence of Web 2.0 marketing on the Internet marketing scene. Certainly, "something futuristic is evolving" and its time to think perfecting Web Marketing 2.0 strategies that works for you.
But before going back to the drawing board for a new Web 2.0 marketing plan, two confusing questions faced by the average marketer needs answers.
What is this Web Marketing 2.0 or Web 2.0 marketing? How can I work up a workable Web Marketing 2.0 plan?
Marketing that we all practice currently is a controlled and structured process! All steps are planned in well in advance and the general public do not have much of a say at the execution level.
But Web Marketing 2.0 changed all that! The structured marketing process is under question as the marketing power is slowly shifting to the consumer. Thanks to the new social media interfaces, the interactive power among the customers has vastly increased and their ability to propagate mass opinions can make or break the future of a product!
In short, Web Marketing 2.0 is simply about establishing that vital connection with your prospective customer by leveraging,
* Social Bookmarking Website like furl,
* Starting a blog of your own
* Leveraging Social Networking
Web 2.0 sites. e.g. MySpace
* Share & distribute your content through RSS feeds
* Viral Marketing methods where your marketing messages gets circulated.
* Utilizing Social Media sites like YouTube, flickr, picasa - where Photos & Video are used as a marketing mechanism
* Leveraging Interactive online forums
* ...And such swift and fast new methods
Infusing our websites with more interactive features for heightened site experience for the visitor is Web Marketing 2.0. It enables them to add new content, air their opinions and share digital materials like audio, video etc.
Its about visitors who can interact and collaborate with others on a mass scale through simple interfaces. Its about that addictive ingredient or the 'Halo' effect oozing from your site!
Social media marketing also lets you to build your personal brand! You can go *All Out* to establish your individual identity through these new Web 2.0 sites as they have in built features to establish a strong online presence. It can a leave a tremendous impact about you.
And its high time to integrate these new emerging marketing techniques to your over all internet marketing plan at the earliest.
A few of the Web 2.0 marketing benefits are explored here. Utilize them for higher visibility. These methods may seem unconventional and confusing to you at first. But when you think about it, you will realize the inherent potential lurking deep within Web Marketing 2.0. Tap into this and it applies to any online business that you operate now!
1. Builds An Important Brand - THE YOU: Build up your personal brand with Web 2.0 marketing technologies and grow it continuously. You have the freedom to create exclusive communities in your niche that can be effectively used as a launch pad for many marketing functions like viral marketing, list building, product promotion and so on.
2. Shoot The Right Messages To The Core Target Group: Combine content from various different sources from the existing resources of your core group/community and share that new knowledge for more targeted traffic!
3. Liaison With Others And Explore New Profit Avenues: A significant benefit of social media marketing is to leverage the person-to-person contacts established through social networking for mutual profits. Joint venture, affiliate recruiting are some examples.
4. The Fast Track Way Develop Your Online Credibility: Web 2.0 marketing is the speed way to establish yourself and your popularity in your chosen niche. Being known as an expert in your area of operation is certain business in the long run.
5. Be At Places Where You Surely Should Be: You being at the right place is extremely important to gain that vital edge over others. You need to be there when a new trend happens and must be there to profit from it. Web Marketing 2.0 facilitates you to appear at right places.
6. Easy Search Engine Traffic: Search engines seem to love these new Web 2.0 sites a lot! They enjoy high page ranking and if you have back links Pointing from these high PR Web 2.0 sites to your site, it can certainly help in increasing your PR too.
7. Effective Utilization Of Other's Social Networks: With simple mutually beneficial strategies, you can leverage the time and money of others social networks. What this means is free advertisement for you along with others benefiting from you too.
8. Harness The New Multimedia Explosion: Media sharing sites like YouTube have started a video explosion! Since then many video-sharing sites have mushroomed all around. They are free and you can take total advantage of them by creating short inexpensive videos! A little bit of videos have shown to convert better than the conventional text.
9. Be Known As The Dark Horse Around: Unique, useful and different digital material are always circulated around the Internet. Especially with Web
2.0. You can effectively use this in your social media marketing strategy where your site visitors can bookmark them and share those bookmarks.
They can also share them through many social media networks. They can also share them off line. This leads to viral marketing. Your unique content, videos, audios etc spreads across in high proportions giving you more and more traffic to your sites.
In a nutshell, Web 2.0 marketing lets you develop enhanced creativity , better and real-time interaction with your prospects that will in turn helps you to arrive at a well informed Web Marketing 2.0 marketing strategy for your online business. Web Marketing 2.0 is going to stay here for sometime till we move on to Web 3.0 to Web XX.0.
S. Kumar is the webmaster of . Visit his "87+ Super Web 2.0 Marketing Tools Bonanza" for a personal verification: