Do you find it hard falling asleep or staying asleep? If your answer is yes, you're not alone in this. Many people can't sleep well. Remember this is a problem that needs to be addressed. Sleep contributes to better health, rejuvenated energy levels, and ensures your body functions optimally. Normally, adults require 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to rest well and feel energized every day.

Whenever you're facing restless nights, it's helpful that you observe your sleep patterns. Check to see the amount of time you sleep every night, the factors that make you sleep or lack it, how you feel rested the following morning as well as the energy you have in the day.

Once you've evaluated your sleep patterns for about 1 to 2 weeks, put into work these 5 strategies to boost your sleep.

1. Reduce light and sound.

Sound and light are factors that affect the quality of your sleep as well as how much of it you have. In the darkness, your brain releases melatonin that helps in calming, leading to a sleepy effect. So, that's why it's very important to reduce exposure to light before going to bed. It doesn't matter, whether it's light from your computer, TV or cellphone ensure you keep off from it. The best thing is keeping these devices away from your bedroom. Then create a dark space either using blackout shades or an eye mask. Noise also prevents you from falling asleep. So you can use a fan or noise machine to reduce unwanted noises.

2. Ensure you're comfortable.

Remember as an adult, you'll spend about a third of your life sleeping. That's why it's meaningful if you invest in comfortable beddings and a Purple mattress that offers relaxation , comfort and support. Before you're on your bed, lower your thermostat a few degrees. During rest, your body temperature drops, so whenever you keep your room chilly, the temperature will drop naturally with ease.

3. Follow a routine. 

The same as kids, adults sleep well when they're following a bedtime routine. When you do the same thing before bed every night, you prepare your body for the rest, and your brain is conditioned for sleep. Engage in activities that ensure you relax, for example stretching gently, reading interesting books , or meditating.

4. Manage your stress. 

The way you handle stress contributes a lot to your ability to fall asleep and remain asleep. Stress isn't always bad, but when it gets you feeling worried and anxious you'll feel disrupted during sleep. If you've much that's going on in your mind at night and you can't sleep, practice some stress management techniques every time before going to bed. Try aromatherapy , keeping a gratitude journal, deep breathing, or meditation .

5. Jump from your bed 

Anytime you're in bed and you're stressing about your inability to sleep, don't hesitate to get out of bed and do an activity that helps in relaxation . You can read a book, try relaxation techniques, or focus on the way you're breathing. Once you begin to feel drowsy, go back to bed.

Always make sleep a priority. Even though you've been sleeping well, these tips can help in a way.

If you still find it difficult to sleep, there are some additional suggestions below you can follow and sleep better every day:

Keep a written record of your sleep schedule this week.

Turn off all your electronic devices, including your phone and TV at least an hour before bedtime every night.

Do several gentle stretches for relaxation before going to bed.

Author's Bio: 

Hazel Sansbury is a content writer and a copywriter specializes in Fitness, Health, and Legal writing.