No matter who you are or where you are in your dating search, there is always at least one time when the guy you are interested in does not call. Sure, you had a great date and felt like you had a real connection. He said he would call during the week but the call never comes. You really start to get nervous on Wednesday afternoon when you still haven’t heard from him. You call your friends to make sure you phone is working, check your voicemail every 20 minutes, but still no call. Most women immediately start thinking the worse when Friday rolls around without a sign of contact.
You review the date over and over with your girlfriends and guy friends asking if you had done anything wrong. You regret any physical activity that may have occurred, convincing yourself that maybe you should not have gotten that naked. Then there’s the last ditch effort for an answer when you are tempted to email him to find out if “he is okay.” The lack of closure is killing you inside. Just one call will make it all better.
There are many reasons why he would not call. Thanks to the popular book, women now assume that he is just not that into them. That may be true, but the deeper issue is to ask yourself is if this is a pattern in your dating life. Are you always attracted to the guy that never calls? Maybe you did not do anything wrong on any of those dates. Could it be possible that you sought out an unavailable guy?
Your dating patterns are quite easy to see if you make a list of the men you dated over the past few years and compare the experiences. When I did this, I discovered that all the men I dated were the fun-loving, you-won’t-tie-me-down-ever guys. Before I examined the so-called rejections closely, I assumed something was wrong with me when they did not call. Now I realize that I just made bad choices in men. Those guys never call any girls back…unless they are making a late night bootie call.
So what does it mean when they do not call? Who knows. It could be any reason you dream up. You are the one who makes up what it means to you. You can choose to be the victim and feel sorry for yourself, or become a stalker leaving multiple phone messages until you get a response from him. I recommend examining if there is a pattern and start to seek men that are different from your past suitors. You may find that just shifting your taste in men just a little bit can make your phone ring more often.
If you want more dating confidence, get my Dating Confidence self-hypnosis CD to help you reprogram your subconscious and feel irresistible.
Debra Berndt, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Dating Expert and creator of The Dating Makeover. is the fastest growing provider of self-hypnosis products. Debra has appeared internationally on radio and television promoting the power of the subconscious and self-hypnosis to attract true love.
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