How do I submit articles?

*** MAJOR UPDATE ***We are only accepting new articles from members that are designated Trusted Authors (members who can be relied on to submit high-quality content to In addition, we are only allowing Trusted Authors to modify their current articles.

If you feel you are qualified to be a Trusted Writer, please login to your professional account click on Article Submission and follow the directions listed on the page.

Once the samples of your work have been reviewed and approved, you will receive a notification from us that your account status has been upgraded to Trusted Writer. Once this is completed the next time you login you will be able to submit and modify your articles.

1) Log in to with your professional account by going to
2) If you forgot your password, go to or create an account by going to
3) After you login, Click on the "Articles Submission" link in the left-hand navigation panel.
4) This will bring up a page with our articles guidelines. If you accept the terms, click on "Click here" to begin.
5) Fill in all of the relevant fields. When you're finished, press "preview" to see how the article will look on our site (note: this is especially important if you are copying and pasting from a Word document, to ensure that it will format correctly).
6) You may submit your article in up to three categories on our site -- triple the coverage it will receive!
7) We also recommend that articles are between 500-1500 words in length.
8) Press "submit" when you're finished. The article will automatically be approved.

In the article section you can click on "view my articles" to see the list of articles you have posted on the site.

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